  • 學位論文

通過ISO 9000品質管理系統之軍工廠組織文化與組織績效關聯性研究 - 以空軍某後勤工廠為例

A study of the relationship between Organization Cultures and Organization Performances in an ISO 9000 certified military factory - Base on an example of an Air Force Logistics Center

指導教授 : 張百棧


ISO 9000為一系列品質管理系統的國際標準,供內部品質管理及外部品質保證之用,推行ISO 9000品質管理系統所獲得的附加價值有提昇品質、降低成本、提昇競爭力。 近年國防經費持續縮減,國軍員額精減情況下,軍工廠無不積極推動ISO 9000品質管理系統的認證,以提昇後勤效率。因此,通過ISO 9000品質管理系統之軍工廠數量持續增加,然而軍工廠獲得ISO 9000品質管理系統認證後,對組織文化及組織績效的影響值得進一步探討。 本研究計有五章,第一章緒論敘述研究背景與動機,並說明研究目的與範圍;第二章以文獻回顧方式蒐整並引述過往國內外專家學者之論述,加以系統化歸納整理。第三章研究方法,建立主題架構與相關假設;問卷之設計係結合專家學者之藍本並參酌研究對象實際狀況,採行預試問卷後,加以修訂編成。最後進行問卷調查及整理。第四章資料分析採敘述性分析、因素分析及複迴歸分析等方法,推導出第五章之結論與建議。 本研究之結論為:「組織文化與組織績效變數之間有顯著的正向關係,即組織文化愈高,則組織績效愈高」。建議加強軍工廠人員「團隊合作、相互支援」的觀念並落實平時訓練;另各級管理幹部應摒除「官大學問大」、「我說了就算」的習性,尊重專業、支持嘗試錯誤或失敗的容忍度,根本改善營造優質組織文化的影響因素,進而提升軍職人員對組織文化的認同感。


ISO9000 組織文化 組織績效 軍工廠


The ISO 9000 is a series of international standards for quality management system. The certification can bring some performances to the organization internal and external. The internal performance is related to the quality management of the organization, the external performances are the benefits related to the external quality assurance. Companies can improve its products quality, reduce cost, and promote competitiveness by obtaining ISO certification. Recent years, the National Defense budget are reduced continuously, and the military organization were down sizing also. In order to make the logistics support efficiently for arm forces. All the military factories have taken its efforts to be certified by ISO 9000. So, more and more military factory has obtained the ISO 9000 certification. It is the subject to be studied “Whether the Organization culture or Organization Performance be changed after obtains ISO 9000 certified”. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 presents the introduction to the whole study, including research background and research motives, research purposes, and research process. Chapter 2 reviews the relevant literature in three parts: an overview of ISO 9000, Organization Culture, and Organization Performance. Chapter 3 describes the research methodology employed in this study, covering the research framework, measurement of variables, research hypotheses, research subjects and data collection, and analysis method. Chapter 4 presents the results of the data analysis. Chapter 5 draws conclusions and provides suggestions. The conclusions are as follows: “The Organization Culture and Organization Performance have the positive Relationships, Indeed, the Organization Culture to be higher, Organization Performance to be higher accordinly”. Finally, makes the suggestion as “mission complete with team work”, respect the specialty, accept “try and erro”, improve and build the good influence factor of Organization Culture at all.
