  • 學位論文


Research on Integrating Internet Resources into Instructional Design in Nine-year Integrated Curriculum-- A Case Study for the Instruction of Social Studies in Fourth Grade

指導教授 : 李其瑋


本研究依據九年一貫課程綱要,課程發展及資訊融入教學之精神,探討應用網路資源融入國小社會科教學的理論基礎與課程設計。本研究發展網路資源融入教學的課程模式,規劃社會科學習單元:「台灣的開發」,一共八個單元主題,從設計教學活動,編寫教案、製作學習單、建置單元相關網站彙集,到進行實驗教學,最後並製作成教學單元網頁教材。透過行動研究的教學歷程,經過八次行動研究循環,探討學生和教師對網路資源融入教學的感受及看法,統整歸納實施資訊融入教學可能遭遇的各種限制、困難及解決方案,以作為國中小推動資訊融入教學之參考。 本研究發現如下: 1. 網路資源甚多,造成教師教學準備工作上時間與精力的負擔,教師應善用學習單,依教學目標,做統整性、概念性的呈現,幫助學生掌握單元學習重點。並可利用班群的分工,逐步建立起教學資料庫。 2. 大量的網路資源過多,同樣造成學童學習上時間和精力的負擔,應以分組合作學習及多元評量的方式,設置資訊小老師,協助提昇學生資訊技能,以順利達成教學目標。 3. 網路資源融入教學,對學生閱讀及歸納統整的能力是一大挑戰,須老師在各科教學中長期引導,可以專題作業、分組合作學習的方式進行。 4. 電子郵件提供學生即時、真實的自然溝通,增強學童的學習動機,激發與他人的互動,並提升資訊應用能力,是良好的學習輔助工具。 5. 持續提升教師資訊素養,增進其教師掌握教學情境的能力,並以復原系統及良好的維修紀錄,為老師提供完善穩定的軟硬體環境。如此能減低教師的電腦焦慮,有助資訊融入教學的推動。


This research is to discuss how to integrate network resources into curriculum. The basic concept of curriculum design is based on the guidelines of the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum Scheme. We develop a curriculum model, which integrate information technologies, especially Internet, into our social course in elementary school. The subject we proposed contains eight units which involve designing activities, teaching plans, worksheets, collecting related web sites, experimental teaching, and constructing web-based teaching materials. Through the eight teaching phases of our course of integrating Internet-based resources, problems and solutions were found and fully discussed. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The enormous data found on Internet is overloading and time-consuming for teachers. Teachers should make good use of “worksheets” as aids to help students in their learning. Collaborating and teaching databases for class is important, too. 2. The students also spent much time on Internet browsing related data. Teaching assistants and diversified assessment tools are necessary. 3. Integrating Internet resources into instructional design is a challenge to teachers as well as students. It takes time and effort to get used to and discover the advantages. 4. E-mail is a good tool for fast and effective communication. It stimulates the motivation of students and helps them to learn more information technologies. 5. Suitable information environment of software and hardware are important to reduce the anxiety of teachers in using computers as a teaching tool. First, teachers should learn more about information technologies so they can handle the unexpected problems in classes.




