  • 學位論文


Central Processing System Design and Development of Control System for Series Hybrid Scooters

指導教授 : 吳昌暉


本研究利用串列式混合型電動車輛的技術,發展一輛混合動力型電動代步車輛,以取代目前的純電動代步車續行力不佳以及充電時間長等的問題。文中分別針對行車速度與加速度控制、車輛能量分配策略,以及發電機油門開度控制進行探討。 行車速度與加速度控制係針對使用者駕車時,行車電腦根據使用者的油門手把的命令,控制車輛最高行車速度以及最高行車加速度,避免車輛急加速,使車輛更加舒適與安全。車輛能量分配策略由行車電腦在室內不啟動發電機的條件下,根據目前的行車狀況,針對代步車輛的兩個能量來源(發電機與電池)做適當的分配,規劃出一套發電機與電池提供能量的策略,藉此有效的使用車輛能源,達到省油與環保的目的。設計一套發電機引擎油門開度控制系統,當發電機輸出負載改變時,使用發電機引擎最小油門開度,控制發電機輸出電壓維持於目標電壓。 混合動力型代步車的發展,突破了傳統電動代步車的限制,使代步車的用途更加廣泛與普遍,對於提升殘障及中老年人的生活品質極大助益。


A series hybrid electronic scooter for elder and maimed people has been developed with aim of not only fuel economy and less charging time but safety. The central processing system for the scooter including velocity and acceleration control, energy management strategy, and engine throttle control of generator was also presented in this paper. Velocity and acceleration control has developed mainly for elder and maimed people. When user speeded up, the control system limited maximum velocity and maximum acceleration to keep user safe and comfortable. Energy management strategy was based on splitting power demand between the battery and the generator such that the power sources were operated at high efficiency, and the generator was only started outside. The generator output voltage could return to command voltage with load variation by engine throttle control of generator. The development of hybrid scooter for elder and maimed people made scooter more popular and improved their quantity of life by traveling and playing more.


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