  • 學位論文


To confer with the research performances of public affairs departments-using certain project cases of CSIST transmits to EVMS

指導教授 : 郭文忠 徐學忍


研發具有高度之不確定性及風險,因此組織的研究發展工作,常以投入特定的資源並針對特定的方向與目標來實施,其目標、任務、時程、範圍等甚為明確,與組織中一般例行性的功能有所不同,故多以「專案」的方式來執行。研究專案管理的運作制度,亦即探討更有效率的研發績效評估制度 中科院為國軍國防科技武器研發及生產重鎮,主要核心競爭力在於研發能力,由於研發具有高度不確定性及風險,因此在「時程」、「績效」及「成本」管理上也最困難,如何利用專案管理技術有效整合計畫時程、性能及成本以達成計畫任務、提昇研發績效,為中科院管理當局積極追求之目標。 本研究係藉由中科院接受某軍種委託研發大型武器研發專案計畫導入達成值管理系統(EVMS)之實例,探討公部門研發績效評估之可行性及提供遭遇問題之改善建議,作為未來公、私部門發展策略性績效管理制度之參考 雖然學者研究提及達成值管理系統(EVMS)有增加管理成本及造成會計作業大量負荷之缺點,惟為有效整合資源,杜絕不必要之浪費,本研究建議中科院應賡續執行專案計畫導入達成值管理系統之機制,以提昇管理綜效。


R&D exits much higher uncertainties and risk. So the research missions of organizations always have specific resource and implement for specific directions and goals. Its goals, missions, schedules, scopes and so on are definite. It is different from other organizations’ routine functions so that it carries out with projects. To study with the functions of project management systems are the same as conferring with more efficient systems for evaluating R&D performances. Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) is the chief department of R&D and manufacture of National Defense Weapons Systems. Its core competition is the ability of R&D. It is very difficult to manage schedules, performances, and cost due to the higher uncertainties and risk. How to use project management skills to integrate the schedules of the plans, functions and cost in order to achieve an assignment and promote performances, which is the active goals for CSIST administration. This essay uses the actual example of CSIST which accepts the branches of the army forces to research large-size cases that transmit to Earned Value Management System (EVMS).Its purposes are probing into feasibility of evaluating the performances of public affairs departments and providing recommendations for running into difficulties so as to develop a strategic performance management system. Although scholars have an idea that it has defects of increasing the cost of management and a great quantity of accounting workload, the only way is to integrate resource and eliminate unnecessary waste. This essay proposes that CSIST should continue with enforcing project plans into achieve EVMS for promoting synthetic of management.


2.Brown , Mark G. and Sevenson , Raynold A. (1998), “Measuring R&D Productivity", Research Technology Management, Nov-Dec, pp.30-5.
4.Collier, D. W.(1977), “Measuring the Performance of R&D Departments”, Research Management, Vo.20, No.2, pp.30-34.


