  • 學位論文


Optimization of Manpower Allocation Models on Project Management

指導教授 : 古 思 明


國防自主是世界各國的國防發展的策略與目標,人才培育與運用是研究發展的關鍵,近年來由於環境及策略方向的轉變,中科院定位也跟著有了新的演變方向,未來的組織架構必須走向專業化,專注化經營,才能擁有競爭力。 同樣的,一般企業歷經亞洲金融風暴到全球經濟不景氣,在此同時管理者紛紛提出各種管理理念及模式。例如,企業再造、責任中心、利潤中心、知識管理等等手段與口號,其目的不外乎降低成本、提高利潤,創造企業永續經營之契機。 專案管理經常強調其唯一性及不可重複性,因此在人力資源之運用上經常要求專人專責,明確分工,在人力資源分配上總是著重於利用線性規劃方式作為分配工作人力之基準。 隨著這一波經濟風暴,人力資源的充分運用已成為專案人力規劃的重要要求,原有以單一專案為基準之規劃模式已不符所需,繼之而來的是考量充分運用現有人力資源同時執行多個專案之線性規劃,我們為了解決實際問題時,僅要求執行專案之人數,及所需之預算數是以合理範圍內之實用值為主,此時!線性規劃所要求之相關限制條件也放寬到一個區間值域,因此提供了以模糊線性規劃之模式來解決問題之空間。 本文除了說明現有運用單一線性規劃方式之人力資源運用作業現況外,吾人將參考學界論文資料應用模糊線性規劃模式,建構矩陣式組織結構中,多個專案計畫需同時委由多個專業功能單位執行時,如何掌握各專業單位對所分配到人力數滿意程度變動情形的問題。並運用求解模糊線性規劃模式的兩階段法,藉由參數值的調整,分析不同階段所得結果的對各專業單位滿意程度的影響。


National Defense independence is the country’s tactic and target .The key of research is personnel training and utilization. CSIST’s orientation have the new approach to that is specialization and concentrate on management. Recently, Enterprises had to face up to the fact that is Asia Economic Crisis and worldwide economical depression. In the same time managers are provided a lot of ideas on manage concept. Such as enterprise re-engineering, Duty center, Knowledge management … etc. The purpose of enterprise are cut down prime cost and raise gains and run company forever. Project management emphasizes that each program can not reduplicate. Manpower utilization requires each job being assigned to specify person. Usually we use linear programming to solve project manpower problem. But in real project management manpower & budgets are not completed or imprecise. We try to use Fuzzy linear programming to estimate and describe resource allocation variables. We also refer to some scholarly theses to make a new mathematical calculation. In this thesis, We describe and explain the difference between linear program and fuzzy linear program. Finally, This research applies fuzzy linear programming techniques to manpower resource allocation in matrix organizations. In such a structure, several projects are concurrently assigned to multiple functional units. The optimization of manpower allocation to these functional units is a key to the success of project management. We apply a two-phase approach to tracking and analyzing the changes of objective functions of these units in a case study.


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