  • 學位論文


A Theoretical Research on Knowledge Sharing Within an Organization

指導教授 : 尤克強


在知識經濟時代,知識成為組織最重要的資產和競爭利器。在知識管理活動中,知識分享為其最重要,亦是最難推動的一項工作。我們想要讓知識的流動更有效率,就應該對推動知識分享的力量有更清楚的瞭解。 組織內的知識分享並不等同於知識的交易或買賣,亦不同於傳統的商品交易,但其仍具有交換之本質,仍存有供給和需求的關係:組織成員既是知識的提供者,也是需求者;唯知識的交換並非以貨幣價格作為衡量工具,知識提供者亦非以眼前所得的利益為主要考量,而是預期要求者未來基於互惠的原則予以回報,知識分享因而藉著恩惠做為媒介,使組織成員間彼此交換知識。恩惠扮演著最接近經濟學中“價格”的角色,知識供給者與知識需求者將其記錄於假想之恩惠銀行,雙方的恩惠帳戶上即形同有金錢的往來:一方之減即另一方之增。因此藉由經濟學之理論與觀點為基礎,描述組織內成員間彼此知識分享之行為。 本研究針對知識提供者與知識需求者間知識分享活動與組織知識策略進行以下述:1.分析影響知識分享行為之因素;主要在於解析以恩惠作為交換媒介之知識分享活動。2.分析與推論知識之供給;分析組織成員提供知識之活動,以確認之知識供給類似一般供給法則為正斜率之知識供給線。3.分析與推論知識之需求;分析組織成員提供知識之活動,以確認之知識需求類似一般供給法則為負斜率之知識需求線。4.分析組織成員間之知識交換;組合組織成員間知識供給與需求藉以決定知識交換之數量與恩惠大小。5.分析組織內之知識交換;在組織之知識需求(供給)為所有成員知識需求(供給)之假設下,水平加總成為組織之知識總供給線與知識總需求線,並討論其知識分享效率。6.分析組織之知識策略涵義;分析影響組織知識總供給及總需求之知識策略,並分析特殊狀況下應採行之知識策略類型,以及常用知識策略對組織知識總供需之影響。


In the era of knowledge economy, knowledge has become the most important asset and a very competitive weapon for firms and organizations. Among organizational knowledge management activities, knowledge sharing is crucial, but also very difficult to promote. If organizations intend to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge diffusion, the understanding of the mechanism supporting knowledge sharing should be essential and useful. Intra-organizational knowledge sharing does not equal the trading of knowledge in commercial sense. It differs from barter economy though it is still some form of exchange: there exists a relationship of supply and demand. However the exchange is realized not based on the monetary price as in commercial markets. The suppler of knowledge is not either expecting the short-term financial benefit. According to some initial surveys, intra-organizational knowledge sharing happens based on the mutual trust between members or partners, and interpersonal favor plays a crucial role in it. In many senses, favor is very similar to the concept of price in economic models. There seems existent a favor bank in which the knowledge supplier and demander have accounts: the debit of one account has a corresponding credit in another account, hence the balance is maintained. The purpose of this research intends to use economics approach to build a model for intra-organizational knowledge sharing. The structure of this research proceeds as follows: 1. Analyze how favor works in intra-organizational knowledge sharing, 2. Analyze the slope of supply curve, 3. Analyze the slope of demand curve, 4. Analyze how the supply curve and demand curve intersects, 5. Analyze the total supply cure and demand curve of an organization, 6. Analyze the strategies for effective enhancement of knowledge sharing


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