  • 學位論文

結合互動裝置與虛擬空間於數位藝術之 研究與創作

A Study of Combining Interactive Installation with Virtual Space on Digital Art

指導教授 : 王照明


本文嘗試用互動裝置與虛擬空間相互結合在數位藝術上之創作,對於人機互動介面加以設計,讓參與者在實體空間與虛擬空間中,建立實際生活感知或直覺上空間的連結,形成真實與虛擬互相融合之互動模式。透過實際創作之作品,規劃並製作「擬境」、「OUCH!」與「意境-唐詩」之三個實際案例,其中「擬境」是透過實體裝置,與畫框中的虛擬影像環境做互動,「OUCH!」透過實體介面裝置與虛實影像之轉化,讓觀者本身投入虛擬空間之中,「意境-唐詩」是希望人所處在的三維空間裡,運用實體互動介面以及互動電子媒材製作出一個互動空間之情境,讓觀者感受有別以往的互動體驗。 綜觀上述三件創作及研究,與日常生活中意義互相結合,讓觀者重新思考本身之環境。創作者從製作紀錄以及展出的過程中加以觀察,妥善結合運用電子媒材與互動裝置,應能使數位藝術之互動性呈現更直覺與自然,並提供參觀者愉悅的互動體驗。本論文最後也將實作經驗與歷程彙整歸納,盼能為互動裝置結合虛擬空間之相關學術後續參考,提供具體的規劃建議與執行方向。


In this study, we combine interactive installation with virtual space on digital art to design context and interface among human-computer interaction presentation. These related actions make participants can contribute their own interactive connection between mind and activities toward the presentation. The type of connection which across both physical and virtual space will be able to form a mix reality into an interaction environment. We plan to create three works including “Simulation”,” OUCH!” and” Tang poetry”. The first work can use physical device to interact with virtual image on the frame. The second is to across both physical and virtual space will be able to form a mix reality. The third is to create an interactive space with virtual space technique and physical device. The three works that mentioned above what are combined with the meaning of life that make viewer to rethink the environment they are. We will record the process and use the electrical media well. This study will organize the experiences and the creating processes at last. Penetrating this research enables the designer to have a deeper understanding and more references to using virtual space technique combining interactive device on digital art.


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