  • 學位論文


A Study of the Intervening Effect of the Organization Transformation on the Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors—An MND Case

指導教授 : 李弘暉


冷戰結束後,各國為因應威脅的改變,紛紛展開軍事變革重整,國軍亦因內、外環境的轉變,實施組織調整作為,迄今近十年內已執行了「精實案」、「精進案」第一、二階段等組織變革。本研究旨在探討組織變革對組織承諾與組織公民行為間關係之干擾效應,以做為國防部決策單位後續規劃組織變革時之參考。本研究以國防部高司幕僚為探討對象,包含國防部部本部、參謀本部及國防部直屬各局幕僚人員,共計發放320份問卷,有效回收問卷221份,回收率為69.06%。使用統計方法採用包含描述性統計、信度檢定、相關係數分析、層級迴歸分析等。 本研究結論如下: 一、國軍組織承諾、組織變革及組織公民行為均屬中等程度。 二、國軍組織承諾對組織公民行為大致呈正向影響: (一)國軍情感性、持續性承諾對組織公民行為呈正向影響。 (二)國軍規範性承諾對組織公民行為無影響。 三、組織變革對組織承諾與組織公民行為間關係有干擾影響: (一)採取抗拒變革態度,對情感性承諾與組織公民行為間之關係無干擾影響。 (二)採取抗拒變革態度,對規範性、持續性承諾與組織公民行為間之關係有顯著干擾影響。 根據研究結論,建議如下: 一、在規劃組織變革時,應集思廣益擴大參與基礎,加強溝通協調以建立共識降低疑慮,在保障組織成員權益的前提下,使各員支持組織的變革,方不致降低其組織公民行為。 二、變革時期不宜過久,應脈絡一貫勿朝令夕改,致各員無法適從,不利其生涯規劃,進而產生抗拒心態,影響人員對組織的忠誠,並降低其組織公民行為。 三、在執行組織變革時,相關的人事配套措施亦應同步配合調整,方不致產生人才流失或肇生反淘汰情事,而致降低人員的組織公民行為。 關鍵字:組織承諾、組織變革、組織公民行為。


The end of the Cold War has witnessed waves of military transformation in many countries, whose military establishments are devoted themselves to dealing with the changing nature of security threat today. The armed forces of the Republic of China are certainly not exceptional to this trend. Indeed, as a result of internal and external demands from the shifting environments, the Ministry of Defense, ROC, is particularly worthy of note for its relentless effort to streamline its defense organizations with two phases of downsizing in recent decade. However, to what extent does the organization transformation enjoy popularity? What is its effect on MND’s organizational commitment? How does the impact of organization transformation on the citizenship behaviors in the MND after its downsizing attempts? These are important questions that strategic planers in the MND cannot overlook. This thesis as a consequence, taking the case of the MND, seeks to address the intervening effect of organization transformation towards organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior by observing the case the MND. Methodologically, this thesis conducted a questionnaire survey with 320 samplings targeted at candidate respondents currently working in the MND. With 221 effective questionnaire data collected, an effective returns-ratio reached 69.06%. Analysis tools in this thesis included descriptive statistic analysis, intra-rater reliability, correlation analysis, and multiple regression, etc. The thesis after its analysis found that, first of all, the MND personnel reflected organizational commitment, organization transformation and organizational citizenship behaviors at the level of a medium strength. Secondly, both affective commitment and continuance commitment made positive impact on organizational citizenship behavior, whereas normative commitment showed little effect on organizational citizenship behavior in the MND. Thirdly, there existed interfering effect of organization transformation on organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors. That said, for those taking resistant attitude toward organization transformation, they exhibited little intervening effect on affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. However, those who took resistant attitude did have significant effect on normative commitment, continuance commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior. Based upon the above findings, this thesis subsequently brought forward its policy recommendations with a view to providing further references to the MND in the near future. Keywords: organizational commitment, organization transformation, organizational citizenship behavior


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