  • 學位論文

透過大聲閱讀教連繫詞之研究: 對EFL國小學生之閱讀與寫作能力之影響

Study of teaching cohesive devices through reading story aloud: Its effects on elementary school EFL students' reading and writing skills

指導教授 : 中澤一亮


長久以來,在英語教學中,籍由大聲閱(read-story-aloud)來幫助第一(L1)與第二語言(L2)學習一直廣泛的被研究與討論。大部份的研究,利用故事讀本教學,分別著重分析情境,介紹主角人物,及講解故事內容(e.g., Carter, 1993; Mason, et al.,1989; Rosenhouse, et al., 1997; Teale, 2003; Temple, et al., 2006)。研究結果均指出,利用大聲閱讀來教第二外語,對學生能有正面的學習成效,例如:提高學習者的學習動機,增進閱讀能力及增加字彙。然而,故事讀本中,連繫詞(cohesive devices)廣泛的使用,卻顯少介紹。 大部份對連繫詞的研究,著重在分析學生寫作文本(e.g., Chiang, 2003; Lui & Braine, 2005)。結果均顯示出,大部份學生寫作弱點在於使用連繫詞之不當。研究也指出,連繫詞之介紹在透過閱讀來學得是不可或缺的,學會如何使用連繫詞的確能幫助學生寫作能力之提升。然而,卻沒有研究能證實是否有效。Tung and Chang(2008)在分析故事讀本中也發現,連繫詞的確廣泛的使用在讀本中。因此,本研究之研究重點著重在透過大聲閱讀利用故事讀本來教連繫詞是否能幫助國小學生閱讀與寫作能力之增加。 本研究之對象為台灣國小六年級學生,利用互動式閱讀模式(interactive read-aloud model)大聲閱讀。在教學中,人物圖版,週記,看圖說故事及與連繫詞有關的學習單均予以分發給學生,目的在於幫助學生閱讀與寫作能力之發展。 本研究之結果顯示,利用故事讀本大聲閱讀介紹連繫詞之使用,的確能增進學生的寫作能力。再者,問卷與個別訪談結果也顯示出,學生對利用故事讀本來學習連繫詞之偏愛。他們同意此教學確實能幫助他們在寫作時,文筆流順度及內容連貫性之增加。 在教學方面,本研究結果建議,英文故事讀本之教學,能納入介紹連繫詞之使用,相信這會對學生日後寫作能力極為有利且也許是另一種利用故事讀本來大聲閱讀的方法。


連繫詞 大聲閱讀


Read-story-aloud has received considerable attention from researchers of both first language (L1) and second language (L2) development (e.g., Elley, 1991; Teale, 2003). Most previous studies examined situations, characters, and plots during read-story-aloud and they pointed out some positive effects for students, such as increasing learning motivation, improving reading skills and expanding vocabulary (e.g., Carter, 1993; Mason, et al., 1989; Rosenhouse, et al., 1997; Teale, 2003; Temple, et al., 2006). A majority of studies analyzed students’ writings and found out the weakness of most students’ writings was inappropriate uses of cohesive devices (e.g., Chiang, 2003; Lui & Braine, 2005). They, thus, suggested that instruction on the use of cohesive devices cannot be ignored while writing, and reading and writing should be taught in combination. In addition, Tung and Chang (2008) found out that some cohesive devices were used frequently in children’s storybooks and further suggested that introducing cohesive devices can help children think more logically during their reading. Consequently understanding the use of cohesive devices will benefit them in their subsequent writing. However, the investigation of reading and writing quality by instructing the usage of cohesive devices through read-story-aloud was still lack of attention. The present study, therefore, aimed to explore whether teaching cohesive devices had a positive impact on students’ reading comprehension and quality of their writings. The participants were sixth graders learning English in a public elementary school in Taiwan. An interactive read-aloud model (adapted from Ghosn, 2000 & Mason, et al., 1989) was applied during read-story-aloud. Picture boards, a weekly journal, picture-cue description worksheets and cohesive device exercises were also provided which intended to help the participants further develop their reading and writing skills. The results of this study provide the evidence of how teaching cohesive devices benefit EFL elementary school students in their writing. Moreover, the results of the participants’ responses to a questionnaire and oral interview showed that most students have perceived learning cohesive devices positively and favorably. They agree that learning cohesive devices through read-story-aloud motivates them to write and achieves coherent writings.


cohesive devices read-story-aloud


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