  • 學位論文


The impact of social capital on strategic purchaser’s sourcing performance is using structural equation modeling.

指導教授 : 曾盛恕


在競爭的社會結構中,每ㄧ個人都會有自己的網絡,藉由此網絡與其他人連結、交往或從事交易。個人在不同的組織下工作,透過社會網絡、人際關係網絡,獲得所需的資訊與資源,這些資訊或資源會直接或間接地影響到個人工作績效與生涯的規劃。在策略採購作業中,大部分是透過電話、傳真、電子郵件或是面對面溝通等方式與供應商、準供應商進行洽談、協商,期能取得雙方都能接受的平衡點,進而開啟彼此間的交易模式。所以在策略採購作業中幾乎全然是人與人之間的行為,而社會資本就蘊藏於內。 在網際網路的盛行下,商品價格的透明化,公司獲利的來源有限,採購已成為企業獲利的第二泉源,做一個策略採購人員,不論在工作的倫理觀念上、採購貨源搜尋、供應商評選、價格與成本的分析、競標流程以及競標談判等,多方面的考量都需要透過積極策略性思考,才能達到企業與組織追求的目標。因此策略採購人員如何在眾多物源供應的選擇得知消息,就有賴於平時所累積的社會資本。 有鑑於社會資本與策略採購對公司的重要性,本研究試圖以結構方程模式(SEM)去探討透過社會資本對策略採購人員在工作上的績效表現影響,並建構社會資本與策略採購績效之模型。 研究結果顯示,社會資本的結構構面會影響認知構面,而認知構面會影響關係構面,但結構構面對關係構面檢定結果不顯著,在社會資本與採購績效間的關係,結構構面與策略採購服務面績效呈現負相關,認知構面與策略採購服務面績效有正相關影響,而關係構面與服務面績效檢定結果不顯著;另外在策略採購服務面的績效良好,可以使品質上、成本上、交期上都能有正面的良好的影響。


In competition society, everyone owns himself/herself network. They contact and trade with others via social network. Someone works in different origination and gets information or resource in demand via social network and relationship network. These information and resource will affect one’s working performance and career plans. In the strategic purchase process, most purchasing agents negotiate with suppliers and sub-suppliers by phone, fax, e-mail, or face to face. Moreover, they hope achieve acceptable balance. It is almost people-to-people behavior on strategic purchase assignment. However, social capital is involved in behavior. The Internet prevails over the world. The prices of most products are easy to search. In view of this, it is limited to the company earning profits. So purchase has become the second source of enterprise getting profits. To be a purchaser must consider many aspects and own active strategic thinking so that achieve the goal of the enterprise and ordination. No matter sourcing, supplier evaluation, price and cost analysis, compete mark process, negation communication. Therefore, how does strategic purchaser get news about materiel supplying? It depends on establishing social capital. Because social capital and strategic purchase are important for the company, the research try to discuss that the impact of social capital on strategic purchaser’s sourcing performance using structural equation modeling, and establish the model of social capital and strategic purchaser’s sourcing performance. The results show that structural social capital significantly affects congestive social capital, and congestive social capital significantly impacts relative social capital, too. However, structural social capital not significantly affects relative social capital. Within social capital and strategic purchaser’s sourcing performance, structural social capital negative significantly impacts service of strategic purchaser’s sourcing performance. However, congestive social capital positive significantly affects service of strategic purchaser’s sourcing performance. Relative social capital not significantly affects service of strategic purchaser’s sourcing performance. In addition, if service performance of strategic purchase is better, the performances of quality, cost, and delivery have well impact.


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