  • 學位論文


Effective Elements of Organizational Citizenship Behavior:An Organizational Culture, Personnel Characteristic and Socialization Analysis

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


組織公民行為的影響要素,以往學者提出很多項目,大多數學者都同意組織文化是一個很重要的因素,只是以往提及組織文化時,大多都以企業整體的角度來觀察,鮮少有針對單一企業所屬各種部門擁有的個別組織文化來觀察。因而本研究將組織文化的範圍縮小至部門層級來探討。 另外,員工在進入企業後,企業本身會進行種種協助員工融入企業文化的動作,以加速員工社會化的程度,而這種協助社會化的作為,對組織公民行為的影響力,也是本研究探討的重點。 加上組織公民行為會受到員工本身的特質影響,這從以往學者探討的結論可知。因而本研究的研究目的在於探討組織文化、員工社會化及員工特質三者對組織公民行為的影響為何。 本研究採用問卷調查的方式,針對某家日商在台成立的分公司進行調查,之後運用相關統計分析軟體,進行後續的分析研究。研究結果顯示如下: 1. 部門間的組織文化差異,與組織公民行為並不相關。 2. 協助員工社會化的作為確實會影響到組織公民行為。 3. 員工特質中的性別、年齡、教育程度及服務年資會影響組織公民行為。其中男性員工在組織公民行為的表現上,顯著的大於女性員工;年齡層在41-50歲之間的員工,其組織公民行為顯著的大於年齡層在21-30歲之間的員工。 4. 員工社會化對組織公民行為的影響力,大於員工特質對組織公民行為的影響。


Academics in the past have proposed many factors affecting organizational citizenship behavior. Most agree that organizational culture plays a very important role. Examinations of organizational culture have traditionally looked at the company as a whole. Very rarely was it examined in the context of the organizational culture possessed by individual departments within a company. In this study on organizational culture, the scope will therefore be narrowed down to the department level. After an employee joins a company, the company will undertake a range of activities aimed at helping the employee assimilate into the company culture and accelerate the employee’s socialization process. The influence of this socialization assistance on organizational citizenship behavior was also an important topic in this study. From past research, we also know that personnel characteristics have an effect on organizational citizenship behavior. The objectives of this study are thus to examine the influence on organizational citizenship behavior from organizational culture, socialization assistance and personnel characteristics. For this study, a questionnaire-based survey was carried out at a Taiwanese subsidiary of a Japanese company. Statistical analysis software was then used to carry out the follow-up analysis and research. The results of the study showed that: 1. Differences in organizational culture between departments had no effect on organizational citizenship behavior. 2. Socialization assistance for personnel does affect organizational citizenship behavior. 3. In personnel characteristics, factors such as gender, age, level of education, and years of service affect organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational citizenship behavior was generally more pronounced in male employees than female employees. Organizational citizenship behavior was also more pronounced for employees in the 41~50 age bracket than those in the 21~30 age bracket. 4. Socialization had a greater effect on organizational citizenship behavior than personnel characteristics. Keywords:Organizational citizenship behavior, Organizational Culture, Socialization, Personnel Characteristics


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