  • 學位論文

高級中等職業學校組織文化、組織承諾與工作滿意度關係之研究: 以桃園縣內的高級中等職業學校為例

A Study on the Relationship between the Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction in the Vocational High Schools -Using the Vocational High Schools in Taoyuan County as Examples

指導教授 : 陳勁甫


本研究在探討在桃園縣境內高級中等職業學校組織文化、組織承諾與工作滿意度關係的現況及內涵,以做為學校塑造優質的組織文化、提昇教師組織承諾與工作滿意度的之參考。同時探討高級中等職業學校組織文化差異,組織承諾及工作滿意度是否因其個人特質不同而有所差異。 本研究之主要研究目的為分析不同背景變項的高級職業學校教師在組織承諾與工作滿意度的差異性,探討學校組織文化、組織承諾互動關係與工作滿意度之間的互動關係。 為達研究之目的,首先蒐集相關文獻,加以整理及歸納,做為本研究架構之建立與問卷設計之依據。本論文採用問卷調查方式,共發放340份問卷,其中回收有效問卷142份,藉由相關因素分析與結構方程式中的最小平方法(Partial Least Squres,PLS)來分析各研究構念之間的實質關係與研究假說的檢定。 本論文之主要研究結果發現:學校組織文化與組織承諾有顯著互動關係存在,學校組織文化與工作滿意度有顯著互動關係存在,教師組織承諾與工作滿意度有顯著互動關係存在。在背景選項相關分析,發現公私立學校、年齡、婚姻狀況、任教年資在組織承諾上有顯著的差異,以及學校規模、婚姻狀況、任教年資在工作滿意度上有顯著的差異。


In this study, I try to research on the relationship between the organizational culture, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction in the vocational high schools in Taoyuan County. Besides, I also try to research and study them to understand their differences and interactions. The purposes of this research are consist of analyzing the differences of the organizational culture, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction in the vocational high schools in Taoyuan County depending on different background variables. I made the study to discuss the relationship between the organizational culture, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. In the research methodology, a questionnaire was used to collect the data. This thesis took 17 vocational high school in Taoyuan County as the study samples and research on the relationship between the organizational culture, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. In thesis I apply questionnaire surveying. I issued 340 samples and got back 142 effective ones. By using the software SPSS (including the descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA) and Visual PLS to process factor analysis, reliability analysis and canonical correlation, I managed to test the hypothesis in this thesis with these methods of statistics. According to the research analysis and statistics of survey, this thesis arrives at the conclusion as following. There are apparent and relationship between the organizational culture and organizational commitment,. the organizational culture and job satisfaction, the organizational commitment and job satisfaction. There are apparent differences in the types of school, gender, age, the status of marriage, and years of teaching in the organizational commitment. There are apparent differences in the scale of a school, the status of marriage, and years of teaching in the job satisfaction.


