  • 學位論文


The Implementation of All-out Defense Education—A Viewpoint of Integration of Social Resources

指導教授 : 謝登旺 教授


「全民國防教育」之推展:社會資源整合的觀點 摘 要 長期以來,中共從來不放棄以武力犯台,因此中共除了不斷對我採取文攻武嚇外,更打壓我國的國際生存空間。國人應凝聚全民國防共識方能保障個人的生命財產與國家安全,因為全民國防是國家總體戰力的綜合展現,所以必須擁有足恃的整體防衛武力,才能因應具有新高科技武器的現代化戰爭。 防衛國家安全之道是要靠「兵民合一、寓兵於民」的全民國防,以形成堅強的自我防衛力量,以達到嚇阻效果,讓侵略者不敢輕舉妄動,因為現代的國家安全絕對不僅是軍人的職責,而應是每一位國民共同的責任。 「國防法」自2002年3月1日正式實施後,「全民國防」已經成為我國國防政策的重要內涵。過去,在討論「全民國防」議題時,通常都只被侷限於安全議題或動員計畫等項目,對於如何將全民國防理念與認知深植民心,並鼓勵民眾積極參與國家防衛事務的議題也沒有受到足夠的重視。我國政府為提升國人的憂患意識以落實全民國防理念,所以在各方的努力下「全民國防教育法」因應而生。 「全民國防教育法」自2005年經立法通過後,國防部就積極推動「全民國防教育日」的票選活動,選出「九三軍人節」為我國的「全民國防教育日」。對國人而言,這不僅凸顯出全民國防的時代意義,更能增進全民防衛意志,為「全民國防」的精神動員立下新的里程碑。「全民國防」是一個理念,如何將國防意識深植民心,並落實於日常生活是強化全民國防教育的當務之急。 從過去的文獻記載中不難發現,以往探討全民國防的議題都將重點集中在「安全議題」上,而欠缺社會的觀點與社會資源整合的具體作法。要落實全民國防教育不僅必須做全面性的考量,資源的投入與整合更是推動政策成敗的關鍵所在。如果要能夠完整落實全民國防教育就必須將社會資源加以整合,才能讓整個政策更臻完善。因此,藉由研究如何提升社會的認同與資源整合的作為,並針對提升國家經濟發展、降低失業率及減少社會問題……等議題加以深入探討是具有高度的價值。最後,本研究再針對攸關國家安全及全民利益之議題,提出可行的建議方案,供日後決策單位及社會學者研究之參考。


The Implementation of All-out Defense Education— A Viewpoint of Integration of Social Resources Abstract China has never renounced the use of force against Taiwan until now. As a result of that, they have frequently made political intimidation to Taiwan and have also tried to squeeze Taiwan’s international space always. Therefore, a consensus on all-out defense established between people in Taiwan is essential to protect their individual’s life and property and national safety. Since all-out defense represents the realization of the totality of nation’s combat strength, it is imperious demand for a nation to possess sufficient defensive force for surviving in high-tech weapons of modern war. The way to protect national security only depends on all-out defense, i.e. the military and civil population form a unified team. While the whole nation is a large military unit, it will automatically engender a strong self-defensive force and further attain the effective deterrence, warning invaders not to take reckless action. However, in today’s society, national security is not only military personnel’s duty but also the whole nation’s responsibility. Since “National Defense Law” was brought into force on March 1, 2002, all-out defense have become a significant part of our national security and defense policy. In the past, while discussing the topic “all-out defense”, we were usually restricted to talk only within safety-related issues or mobilization plan, and never touched such disregarded issues as how to help Taiwan’s people establish the concept and knowledge of all-out defense and encourage them to actively partake in discussing national defense affairs related issues. In order to strengthen people’s concept of all-out defense, our government has therefore developed the “All-out Defense Education Law”. When “All-out Defense Education Law” was passed by the Legislative Yuan in 2005, it gave fresh impetus to the activity of electing by ballot of “All-out Defense Education Day” undertaken by the Ministry of National Defense and the date of September 3rd of “Military Day” was finally adopted as “All-out Defense Education Day” in Taiwan. Through such a milestone event, it not only reflects the significance of all-out defense in today’s society, but also inspires and invigorates people on the whole nation’s defense. The top and urgent priority of strengthening all-out defense education is to put the concept of “All-out defense” into people’s mind and make it realized in their daily life. According to historical literatures, you will find that the past’s discussion on all-out defense always put emphasis on safety-related issues but just disregarded social viewpoint and integration of social resources. However, to succeed in carrying out all-out defense education, it requires having comprehensive consideration and more resources investment and integration. Carrying out all-out defense education depends on integration of social resources and the implementation of the policy concerned will be successfully achieved only by the complete education of all-out defense. It deserves to explore how to upgrade the development of nation’s economics, reduce unemployment rates and decrease social programs by means of a study of heightening social identification and resources integration. In addition to the above-mentioned, this study is also focused on the issues related to national security and the entire people’s welfare in expectation of presenting a feasible proposal in the future for decision-making unit and social scholars’ reference.




