  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of the Cognitive Differences toward All-out Defense among High School Students

指導教授 : 侯鳳雄 陳朝鍵博士


環顧我國國際處境及戰略環境,中國仍是我國國家安全的最大威脅,且威脅強度隨其軍事武力的持續擴張及經濟的快速成長而更佳劇烈。爲確保臺灣2,300萬人民的幸福與安全,除了國軍必須持續精進戰力外,透過全民國防教育以確保全民防衛動員體系的順利運作更是勢在必行的策略。無論是學校教育、在職教育或社會教育,政府都應該盡制定相關課程教材,並完成相關配套措施,使全民國防教育能夠順利推動與落實,方能使臺灣社會跳脫自政黨輪替以來,因政黨認同問題所衍生的國家認同問題,重新凝聚國家意識,建立民眾對政府的向心力,日後方能有效抵禦外敵、捍衛鄉土,確保臺灣的永久和平與永續發展。 如何在低成本、高效益,且具預防性及嚇阻功能之健全的『備戰狀態』下,克服那些威脅台灣安全的各種因素,來嚇阻外敵的入侵,確保國民的生命財產及國家安全,並且致力維繫區域之和平及穩定,對台灣來說是一件巨大的挑戰。而所謂的和平是指人民有權不接受任何恐嚇或造成其感受畏懼的事物,而能與區域內其他民族互相尊重,和睦相處的狀態,這是一種涵蓋公義的和平(inclusive peace with justice)。 本研究旨在了解中學生的國防軍事、全民防衛與國防相關事務的關聯性。本研究採用量化的研究設計;本研究之研究架構,包含:國防軍事、全民防衛與國防相關事務三個構面。本研究採用人員訪問法以問卷調查方式進行資料蒐集,問卷調查對象為1775位中學生。本研究發現,(1)年級對中學生在國防軍事的感受上有顯著的差異; (2)不同性別中學生在國防軍事的感受上有顯著的差異; (3) 年級對於中學生的全民防衛上有顯著的差異; (4)團隊的性別對於中學生在全民防衛上有顯著的差異; (5)年級對於中學生在國防相關事務上有顯著的差異; (6)團隊的性別對於中學生在國防相關事務上有顯著的差異; (7)中學生的國防軍事、全民防衛與中學生國防相關事務之間具有顯著關係存在; (8)國防軍事與全民防衛之因素對中學生的國防相關事務具有預測力。


Mainland China is still the biggest threat to the national security of Taiwan while considering the international conditions and war strategies. The intensity of threat increases with the continuous expansion of military force and the rapid growth of economics in Mainland China. Hence, in addition to keep improving the military fighting capabilities, it is essential to promote the all-out defense education for ensuring the welfare and safety among the 23 millions of people in Taiwan and the operation of all-out defense mobilization system. For implementing the all-out defense education successfully, no matter in school education, job education or social education, the government in Taiwan should make up the relevant course materials and have related measures. By doing this, it can help people in Taiwan escape from the problems of national identification resulting from the parties identification after the transitions of ruling parties, reunite the national consciousness, and enhance the public cohesion to the Taiwan government. Most importantly, it can help assure the everlasting peace and sustainable development in Taiwan. However, under the state of military defense readiness, it would be a big challenge for Taiwan to develop adequate defensive measures with preventable functions based on the requirement of low cost and high efficiency. In addition, it would also be difficult for the Taiwan government to overcome all the factors that threaten the national security, deter invasion from other countries, protect the safety and the possessions of the public, and maintain the regional peace and stabilization. The so-called peace means that people have the right to refuse accepting anything that threatens their lives or makes them feel afraid. People live with others harmoniously in the same region with respect. It is a kind of inclusive peace with justice. The purpose of the present research was to figure out the relevance of national defense, all-out defense and the related affairs of military defense among the high school students in Taiwan. The study adopted the quantitative research method and contained three main research aspects, including national defense, all-out defense and the related affairs of military defense. Research data were collected through the questionnaires and1775 high school students were included. In accordance with the results of the questionnaires, there are eight major findings. First, toward the reception of national defense, significant differences were found among high school students with different grades. Second, there were significant differences among high school students with different genders on the reception of national defense. Third, about all-out defense, significant differences were found among high school students with different grades. Four, toward all-out defense, there were significant differences on the team genders of high school students. Fifth, about the related affairs of military defense, there were significant differences among high school students with different grades. Sixth, significant differences were found among the team genders of high school students on the related affairs of military defense. Seventh, significant relationship among the national defense, all-out defense and the related affairs of military defense of high school students was found. Eighth, the factors of national defense and all-out defense are predictable to the related affairs of military affairs among high school students.




