  • 學位論文

新產品評估流程模型 -以某IC設計公司產業為例

A Process Model for Product Evaluation using an IC Design Firm as a Case

指導教授 : 何建德


在今日的高科技產業中,消費性產品生命週期的縮短,與市場的快速變化,企業所面對的決策都是日益複雜,決策者都需要在很短的時間內做好決策。所以本研究的目的在於瞭解當公司在選擇新產品評估時的優先順序,並探討決策評估過程,及其影響因素。本研究方法運用層級分析法(Analytic hierarchy process,AHP) ,建立層級結構和決策評估模式。將新產品評估與公司的策略目標聯結以達到公司的競爭優勢。該模型是以IC 設計公司為例,所得到的結果可做為IC設計公司的參考。 本研究為依據公司內部的實際需求來設計出一個新產品評估流程的模型,經由各部門的專家來評定分數,以某IC設計公司為研究對象,以層級分析法為研究工具。 本研究之主要結果如下二點所述: 一、 對於專家所提出的數值導入於新產品之決策模型時發現於新產品的選擇上皆為選擇新產品3為完全創新之產品,決定公司的競爭策略為成本領導策略:因為個案公司是以研發能力與市場分析能力為主要的核心能力,為了快速的增加市場占有率與增加客戶,所採取的策略為成本領導策略,能快速的達到公司要的目標:投資報酬。 二、 新產品開發的評估準則:依據所考量的每一個層級階段性的因素所產生的結果於各部門的實務面有新的政策與調整。 根據研究結果,本研究提出下述二點建議: 一、 在於開發新的產品的同時,可以運用此新產品評估流程模型。 二、 IC設計公司最主要的關鍵成功因素為研發能力與市場評估能力,因此企業要達到領先的競爭優勢,則須要再加強此核心能力。


Among today’s high-tech industries, management faces complex decision problems resulting from short product life cycle and fast market change. Timely decision-making on the priority of new products is critical to business success. This research uses the analytic hierarch process (AHP) to establish a model for new product evaluation. The model connects new products with a firm’s core capabilities, business strategies and advantage. The model was applied to an IC design company and results are reported. Firstly the results show that incremental innovation product is the first product priority of the case company, because cost leadership is the business strategy. Owing to the company’s capabilities in market analysis and research and development, incremental innovation products align with cost leadership strategy would increase the market share. Secondly disagreement in judging priorities of business strategies and new products among various department managers reveals dissonance among functional departments of the case company. Knowing the sources of differences could help the company develop a coherent strategic plan for new products. The model is found useful for IC design firms to evaluate new products. Other IC companies may need to identify their core capabilities as the criteria in the model and use their managers for judgments. Core capabilities with high priorities should be strengthen in order to create competitive advantages.


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