  • 學位論文

TFT LCD中小尺寸面板產業外包管理模式之研究

A Study on the Outsourcing Management of Medium and Small-sized TFT-LCD Panels Industry

指導教授 : 張百棧


TFT LCD在一個景氣快速循環的環境中,為了維持企業的競爭力將G3.5、G4世代廠轉型至生產中小尺寸的面板,透過外包方式來生產中小尺寸面板,減少設備、資本支出、增加生產彈性及取得外包商的生產能力及技術,有效的降低生產成本,快速的切入此中小面板市場,以提高競爭優勢。因此,外包對企業總體競爭力的提升,扮演具關鍵的角色及地位。 由於中小面板產品,大多為客製化商品,其特性為產品種類繁多,產品的需求量大,且出貨時間相當趕,因此在整體與外包商的關係及對外包商的管理與外包績效(品質良率、交期、成本)就變得非常重要。本研究透過對TFT LCD 中小尺寸面板產業作為研究領域來探討TFT LCD中小尺寸面板產業「企業資源」、「外包關係」、「外包管理」、「外包績效」各變數間的關係, 本研究實證結果歸納如下: 1.應用邏輯迴歸分析得到企業資源的不同,會影響外包關係的選擇,夥伴關係與市場關係的選擇,將取決於企業資源的有形資產; 2.利用向後消去法進行迴歸模型分析選擇,分析結果顯示,企業資源的不同,會影響外包管理方式的選擇; 3.以無母數分析得到不同外包關係,和外包管理並無顯著相關; 4.利用向後消去法進行迴歸模型分析選擇,分析結果顯示,採用不同外包管理方式,和外包績效有顯著相關。


In order to maintain the competitiveness in today’s rapid economic cycle, 3.5- and 4-generation TFT-LCD factories have changed their production to medium and small-sized panels through outsourcing, which can reduce the equipment and capital expenses meanwhile increase the flexibility of production and acquire the ability and techniques of outsourcing manufacturers. Outsourcing can help businesses effectively decrease production cost to enter the medium and small-sized panel market swiftly. Thus, it plays a vital role in prompting the overall competitiveness of an enterprise. Because most of the medium and small-sized panels are customized products with a variety of categories and huge demanding quantities in limited delivery time, the relationship with outsourcing manufactures and the management and performance of outsourcing (including quality yield rate, delivery and cost) are becoming extremely important. The research investigates the relationship between “Enterprise Resources”, “Outsourcing Relationship”, “Outsourcing Management” and the “Performance of Outsourcing” by collecting data from medium and small-sized TFT-LCD panel manufacturers and the results are summarized as follows: 1.Through Logistic Regression Analysis, the result indicates that different enterprise resources can affect the selection of outsourcing relationship; the enterprise’s physical capital can affect the selection of partnership and market. 2.By backward elimination for regression model analysis, the result shows that different enterprise resources can affect the selection of outsourcing management. 3.By Nonparametric Statistics, the result shows that outsourcing relationship is not significantly correlative to outsourcing management. 4.By backward elimination for regression model analysis, the result shows that outsourcing management is significantly correlative to the performance of outsourcing.


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