  • 學位論文


A Study of Supplier Evaluation Models in a Design Change Scheme

指導教授 : 鄭元杰


近年來顧客對產品求新求變的速度要求愈來愈快,企業為搶得市場先機,則不斷推出新產品,進而導致產品生命週期縮短,因此設計變更成為無可避免且必要發生的過程。設計變更對於產品零件的影響,造成跨企業之設計變更需求,而影響到整體供應鏈之間的較勁,而供應商評選為供應鏈的重要環節。因此,當發生設計變更時,如何在有限供應商群中取得找出符合需求規格且成本最小的最佳供應商組合,並將產品設計變更方案予以評估,讓決策者可以從中判斷設計變更之可行性與經濟性,將是日後企業關注的焦點。 本研究主要針對單一產品多零件多供應商的設計變更方案,選擇合適的供應商。本研究將採用兩個不同方法進行供應商評估的準則與供應商選擇,以期在主觀評斷與客觀系統間取得平衡點。第一階段是利用零件關聯矩陣圖與模糊層級分析法來衡量供應商評估的準則,也就是利用設計變更所引發之連鎖效應求得零件間設計變更後之範圍與影響,再利用模糊層級分析法建立一供應商評選模式,進而整合設計變更資料與供應商評選模式,求出變更方案下各供應商選擇矩陣;第二階段將藉由第一階段得到設計變更方案下供應商選擇因素權重值,利用二元整數規劃模式進行成本評估模式,作為評選供應商的標準,以期篩選出符合需求規格且成本最小的供應商。


Recently, customers request that the product’s change should be faster. So enterprises must create the new product at every moment, and it lead to the product life cycle time diminished. Therefore design change has become a necessary procedure. Design change will affect the whole supply-chain, and then the selection of suppliers is important decisions in supply-chain. When design change occurs, how to find the best suppliers that have the correspondent standard of demand and the lowest cost from the limited suppliers, and evaluate the design change scheme to provide the managers decide that does it workable and economic. It will be the focus of the companies in the future. This study develops a two stages evaluation model. The first stage is based on the matrix of parts to find out the coverage after design change. FAHP is then utilized to evaluate the priority of supplier evaluation model of design change scheme to achieve the final best solution. The second stage combines the result of the first stage with the binary integer programming model. The model is presented to select suppliers and determine the order quantities. The model considers the cost of purchasing, the cost of receiving poor quality parts, the cost of Delivery Date, the cost of elasticity, and the cost of transportation. The capacity constraints for suppliers, quality and lead time requirements for the parts are also considered in the model. This way we can provide reference of factories engineering change to decision makers and managers.


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