  • 學位論文


Simplified Animation Circuits Structure for Virtual Reality Behavior Model Query and Retrieval

指導教授 : 孫天龍


虛擬實境 (Virtual reality, VR) 的互動式3D視覺應用可以呈現工業產品的運作方式與功能特徵,在產品生命週期各階段中提供更好的視覺呈現與溝通效果,但由於建構VR行為互動模型的過程複雜且困難,造成大量人力、時間與成本上的浪費,使得VR技術與應用目前仍無法廣泛的被工業界接受。然而同類型的工業產品往往具有相似的動作互動行為,為了有效地節省時間和成本,檢索過去已完成之VR行為互動模型以參考其動作互動行為的設定方式,能幫助使用者快速建構需求的VR行為互動模型。由於以VRML為基礎之VR行為互動模型的組成與資料結構相當龐大、複雜,透過metadata能有效摘要出動作互動行為資訊的重點,並提供使用者一個良好的記錄與檢索功能,因此,本研究首先將討論VR行為互動模型之組成與動作互動行為資訊的重點,設計一個簡化複雜動作迴路的方法,並以metadata的方式記錄原始和簡化的VR行為互動模型,提供使用者一個快速、有效的查詢檢索功能,最後以核子反應爐置換燃料之鍋爐打開動作為例,說明動作迴路的簡化過程以及metadata記錄與查詢檢索的方式。


The interactive 3D visualization offered by virtual reality (VR) technology help communicate the static characteristics and dynamic behaviors of products at various stages of product lifecycle. However the expensive and time-consuming process required to construct a VR model often hinders the widespread adoption of VR in industry. Since many industrial products have similar behaviors, it is useful to store the VR behavior models of products and reuse them later. VR model query and retrieval are difficult to do due to the complex composing elements and data structure contained in the VR model. This research describes an approach to simplify the structure of animation circuits to facilitate VR model storage and retrieval. Our approach first converts the composing nodes in the animation circuit into a simple representation, a 2-tuple (b, p) where b is the behavior type and p the part operated by the node. As a result, the animation circuit is converted to a simple graph. The structure of the simple graph could be further simplified by merging nodes that have the same behavior type and part type. Using the simplified structure, VR model query and retrieval become much easier as the search space is greatly reduced.


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