  • 學位論文


Assessment models with multi-attributes in higher education recruiting

指導教授 : 李弘暉


近十年來,國內大專校院數量急速增加,受到人口少子化以及台灣加入世界貿易組織的影響,高等教育之間的競爭更加激烈,在面對未來瞬息萬變的教育市場,各大學校院招生的方式與策略也受到很大的重視,如何回應已知與未知的教育市場衝擊,訂定推陳出新的招生策略,為目前各大專院校的努力方向,因此,了解學生在選校時的考量因素對於制定招生策略將有很大的幫助。 本研究先以文獻探討歸納出高等教育選校之三項評估指標、十二項評估構面、三十七項評估屬性做權重分析,進而應用層級分析法針對大學新生、學生家長及高中老師發出專家問卷,經由調查結果取得各構面評估屬性之權重。本研究結果發現:針對學生的觀點以學校教學資源設計角度,課程品質最為重要構面,屬性部分則以專業實習制度為最重要;以學生取向外在因素觀之,以就業取向為最重要之考量構面,屬性方面則以畢業生就業狀況為重點;就資訊來源的觀點來看,選校考量方式主要以情境參與為最重要之構面,並且以大學校園參觀為選校之重要參考依據。 此外,本研究以Y大學為例,針對受測者認知之各屬性重要性權重與其對於該校各屬性之滿意度分析比較,了解Y大學在受測者心中之辦學成效。 整體而言,評估學生在選校時會以學校教學資源設計、學生取向外在因素及資訊來源三項評估指標作為選校考量之依據,建議高等教育機構可參考本研究結果來思索制定未來招生策略,增加學生就讀意願。


In recent decade, the number of new universities and colleges is increasing rapidly. With the impact of joining World Trade Organization (WTO) and low fertility rate, the competition of higher education is becoming increasingly intense. Facing the education competition in the future, the policy of universities and colleges are more importance. How to respond to the impact of education competition and promote new recruit strategy and policy is the goal of every university and college. Realizing the students’ consideration in university selecting will be helpful to determine the related policy and strategy. From the published literatures, this paper categorizes three categories, which are higher education’s three assessed indicators, twelve assessed dimensions and thirty-seven assessed attributes, to be executed by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) among college freshmen, parents and senior high school teachers. This research discovers that, the most important attribute is practical training and dimension is course quality in the first indicator; employment is the most important for both attribute and dimension in the second indicator; and the most important attribute is Campus Visit and dimension is situation participation in the third indicator. This paper conducts the case study on university Y. In order to comprehend the participants’ cognition and satisfaction on Y University’s educational outcome, the participants’ scores on attributes are weighed and analyzed. All in all, this paper constructs three assessed indicators to be the basis of choosing university or college. The higher education may refer to this paper to establish recruiting policy in the future.


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