  • 學位論文


Services Quality Analysis of the Alternative Human Resources Project - an Example of the Ministry of Education 2688 project

指導教授 : 詹前隆


教改為了追求多元目標及師資品質,將師資培育政策由計畫性培育變更為儲備式培育,結果造成供過於求。而為了挽救失業率,將2688人力資源專案的角色擴充了,其在99學年度核配節數已佔桃園縣國小教師人數之4.26%,但據調查目前約僅聘用60%的合格持證教師,此專案執行的良窳,直接攸關到國民教育品質。再則基於教師超額現況及國教經費九成用於人事經費的現況,未來教師人力組成,更是少不了替代人力這部份。 本研究應用了阿爾德佛的ERG理論、「SERVQUAL」量表,及PZB三位學者所提出之服務品質缺口模式,根據問卷調查結果分析、探討對學校執行2688專案之招募服務品質現況,瞭解專案教師的感受與預期的滿意度差距。 研究發現現職專案教師對學校招募整體服務品質之滿意度均為正面,顯見專案老師對學校招募執行是滿意的,再透過ERG需求構面分析,顯示專案教師處於「挫折-退縮」狀態,此時需求是落在關係性與成長性需求上,從此處可發現學校對專案教師需求的認知有明顯差異,這也解釋了服務品質滿意卻發生招募不足額的矛盾現象,本研究將依研究結果與發現提出結論與具體建議,來改進專案體質,以契合儲備教師的內在需求,如此才能縮小國民教育潛在的品質缺口。




To achieve the multiple objectives and teachers’ high quality, educational reformation policy was changed from planned to reserved training, which in return caused an oversupply of elementary teachers. To decrease the unemployment rate, the education authority expanded the scope of the Increased Specialty Teachers Project (no. 2688). There were 4.26% of the elementary school teachers in Taoyuan County approved substitutes to teach in classes in the academic year of 2010. However, this survey shows only 60% of teachers are certified. We need to be aware that the result of the project 2688 will directly affect the quality of our national education. Besides, due to the surplus of teachers and that 90% of funds from the education authority have been spent on personnel expenses, we expect the substitution of human resources to play an import role in the composition of future teachers. This study utilized the Alderfer’s ERG theory, the SERVQUAL instrument, and the PZB service quality gap model. By analyzing the survey results, we investigated the current service quality of recruiting within different elementary schools to determine the level of expectation and satisfaction of the teachers. The results from the empirical analysis show that the overall service quality meets the expectation and satisfaction of the teachers. Base on the ERG Needs analysis, teachers are in frustration-regression status. School administers do not recognize the relatedness and growth demands of the needs of teachers. This explains the paradox of a satisfying recruiting process ending with a shortage of certified teachers. Final conclusion and practical suggestion were raised as per this empirical analysis. As a result, we suggest to aim at the needs of the teachers and to examine the service quality of recruitment first. This will advance the constitution of the above project, meet the requirement of the certified teachers, and achieve the goal of reducing the potential quality gap of the civil education.


service quality PZB SERVQUAL 2688 ERG


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