  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between Emotional Management and Classroom Climate of Elementary School Students-Senior Students of Public Elementary School in Taoyuan City as a Case Study

指導教授 : 劉宜君


本研究旨在探討國小高年級學生情緒管理與班級氣氛之關係。研究者採問卷調查法,以「桃園市國小學生情緒管理與班級氣氛之調查問卷」為研究工具,抽取桃園市450名公立國小六年級學生。調查所得資料以描述性統計分析、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、史皮爾曼相關分析等方法來進行統計分析。獲得以下之結論: 一、國小高年級學生情緒管理之現況屬於中上程度。 二、國小高年級學生之知覺班級氣氛現況,以正向班級氣氛為主。 三、不同性別、家庭社經地位、師生關係及家庭戶外休閒活動頻率 的桃園市公立國小高年級學生,在情緒管理上有顯著差異。 四、不同性別及師生關係的桃園市公立國小高年級學生,知覺的班 級氣氛類型有顯著差異。 五、桃園市公立國小高年級學生情緒管理與班級氣氛之間具有低度 正相關。 針對上述結果,本研究對於學校提出建議:1.發揮輔導功能,協助提升「情緒的表達」 2.加強低家庭社經地位家長的親職教育及學生輔導;對教師提出建議:1.加強國小高年級男生的情緒教育,並給予男生更多包容、2.盡量提升學習成就之滿足,積極協助改善同儕關係、3.課程中適時引入休閒活動及情緒教育相關教材、4.引導學生學習運用情緒,做自己情緒的主人;對家長的建議:1.樹立榜樣,營造和諧的家庭氣氛、2.積極安排或鼓勵子女參與戶外休閒活動。並指陳後續研究可以參考與改進的方向。


情緒 情緒管理 班級氣氛


This study aims to explore the emotion management and classroom climate of the senior students at elementary schools and also the relationship between them. In this study questionnaire survey is used by distributing the novel version of questionnaire “Questionnaire on Emotion Management and Classroom Climate of Senior Students at Public Elementary Schools in Taoyuan City” prepared by the author as an instrument, to the subjects, 450 K6 students at public elementary schools in Taoyuan City. The result data were collected and followed with statistical analyses, such as Descriptive Statistics, t-test, Independent-samples One-way ANOVA, Spearman Rank Correlation. And the statistics results after elaborated steps lead to the conclusions shown below: 1. The current condition of emotion management of senior students at elementary school falls at upper immediate level; 2. The current condition of classroom climate perceived by senior students at elementary school demonstrates a positive view in general; 3. The senior students at public elementary schools in Taoyuan City, with different genders, parents’ socio-economic status, student-teacher relationships, and frequency of family outdoor leisure activities, show significant difference in their emotion management. 4. The senior students at public elementary schools in Taoyuan City, with different genders and student-teacher relationships demonstrate significant difference in the types of classroom climate perceived by them; 5. The resulted coefficients indicate a weak correlation between the emotion management and classroom climate of the senior students at public elementary schools in Taoyuan City. On the basis of the results mentioned above, the author of this study would like to present some suggestions, firstly to elementary schools: 1. To bring guidance function into full play and help enhance “expressing the emotion”; 2. To put more emphasis on providing parenting training and student guidance for the students and parents from family lower socio-economical status; secondly to the teachers: 1. To reinforce emotion training courses to male senior students and to tolerate them with a larger space; 2. To try the best efforts where possible to promote the satisfaction on learning achievements and improve the peer relationships; 3. To bring teaching materials of leisure activities and emotion training timely into the existing courses; 4. To guide the students to make use of emotions and to be the rulers of the emotions; and finally to the parents: 1. To set a good model and build up a harmonious climate at home; 2. To actively arrange or encourage the children to participate in outdoor leisure activities. Furthermore, the suggestions also provide the possible improvement directions as reference for the upcoming researchers.


張君如、林志遠、李宜錫 (2007)。〈登山健行者參與動機之研究〉,《嘉大體育》,第6卷,第2期,頁55-62。
