  • 學位論文


A study of factor which influenced teaching quality for Taiwan

指導教授 : 王維康


本研究之目的旨在研究聯合後勤學校培育從事後勤專業人員過程中,影響其教學品質之因素,並期從研究方法及過程將相關關鍵因素分析出結果,將研究數據提供聯合後勤學校從事教職工作人員參考,俾利改善教學品質。並期針對學校參訓人員給予適當課程設計及教學方法,以收教學事半功倍之效。 為確認影響聯合後勤學校教學品質所需評估之因素,先透過文獻探討及專家代表討論和先期問卷施測結果後,將結果彙整,建立第一層級「國軍後勤部隊教學品質因素之研究」,第二層級的四個評估構面依序為教官師資、教學設備、教學課程設計、學員學習態度。第三層級的十六項評估因素,將上述各項層級架構內之評估因素完成問卷設計,本研究接受問卷調查對象為擔任教職員的教官,及受訓學員生。依照各學員生屬性不同,分別對軍官正規班、專業預備軍官班、士官長正規班、士官高級班、儲備士官專長班,校選預士專長班發放問卷。收集有效問卷共計二百九十七份,透過層級程序分析法統計結果。在此僅摘錄教官組施測情形。其第二層級評估構面之權重次序為:「教官師資」構面佔63.7%、「學員學習態度」構面佔18.9%、「教學課程設計」10.9%、「教學設備」構面佔6.5%。第三層級十六項評估因素之整體權重前五名次序為:「專業能力」、「教學硬體及軟體設備」、「學員生素質程度」、「授課時數配當」、「學習動機」。


This thesis is focus on the factors that influence teaching quality for logistic personnel trained in "Combined Logistic School" of Taiwan. Based on the research analysis, we wish these research would help us to find out how to improve teaching quality of this military school. To identify and estimate the factors that influence teaching quality of Combined Logistic School, the first step is exercising literature review, consulting with experts and issue questionnaires. By this step, we can collect all information and establish first layer of "A study of factors which influenced teaching quality for Taiwan logistic troops". The second layer has four estimated aspects, and its sequence as followed: qualification of instructors, teaching facilities, course arrangement, learning attitude of the students. The third layer is based on the second layer, and the 4 aspects are extended to 16 factors. These factors are based on the questionnaires. Those completed the questionnaires are instructors and students of Combined Logistic School. Students were divided into different levels, for example, officer, sergeant and private students .etc. Based on 297 valid questionnaires, we use the method of AHP to find out the research result. We summarize the present results for instructors here. The second layer shows the most important aspects followed by "qualification of instructor" up to 63.7%, "learning attitude of student" 18.9%, "courses arrangement" 10.9%, and the final item "facilities and equipments"6.5% only. The important factors in the top five of the third layer are "professional skill", "facilities and equipments", "levels of students", "course arrangements", and "motivate of learning".


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