  • 學位論文


The Effect of Customer Knowledge Management And Organizational Effectiveness-Focusing on A Company

指導教授 : 林耀欽


處於顧客力量抬頭的新新經濟時代,顧客將是企業競爭的生存關鍵。因此,企業必需轉型為「顧客導向」,並積極蒐集及活用顧客知識,讓企業因更加了解顧客,而更掌握顧客真正的需求與期望,甚至於市場的趨勢,如此不僅將有助於企業擬定經營策略及制定行動方案,也將因組織效能的提昇而創造企業績效,進而達成企業營運的目標。 然而處於e世代的企業,為提昇團隊運用顧客知識的能力及增進工作流程的效率,結合資訊科技的應用是企業不可或缺的策略。就維護顧客關係而言,一般企業大多採用顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management, CRM),但基於企業對顧客知識的需求,知識管理(Knowledge Management, KM)正好補其不足之處。顧客知識管理(Customer Knowledge Management, CKM)的分享和運作平台,正擴大及綜合了知識管理及顧客關係管理的特點,而為企業及顧客雙方創造價值。 本研究之主要目的,著重在探討結合資訊科技應用之顧客知識管理對組織效能之影響,藉由透過個案公司的實務應用,瞭解顧客知識的取得來源、顧客知識的內含,以及顧客知識的運用等過程,以建構出顧客知識形成的步驟、範疇,以及整理出顧客知識管理的資訊系統應具備的功能。並透過個案實務運用之成果以瞭解顧客知識對組織效能所造成的影響。 經個案實務分析後,本研究歸納出顧客知識管理的十個步驟,以及認為建構一套整合性的顧客知識管理系統,其架構必需支援的功能,並發現及實證組織全員參與的顧客知識蒐集及管理,將有助於組織效能的提昇,無論是被運用於產品開發、行銷活動、業務推廣或客戶服務等,對提昇組織之有形與無形的營運效能與績效皆有正面的影響。


With emphasis on customer as a key competitive factor in today's fast moving marketplaces. Therefore, enterprises have to transform to customer-oriented” strategy, provide exact products to meet the customer need and improving performance of customer relationship with customer knowledge management (CKM). In addition to enhancing organizational performance relies on information technology is must. Generally, CRM has been traditionally popular as a means for managing a company’s interactions with customers. Based on the enterprise to the customer knowledge's demand, the knowledge management (KM) makes up its deficiency. However, the customer knowledge management (CKM) which is new knowledge sharing and processes platforms are expanding and synthesized their characteristic for both of company using to create value. The aim of this paper is to present a conception of customer knowledge management on support of performance within an organization. This research is to illustrate the use of modern information technology to support customer knowledge management (CKM) processes and investigate organizational effectiveness with those CKM. Therefore, the paper will describe the concepts of how companies manage customer knowledge, which focus on how this customer knowledge can be deployed, process, and application, as well as, the IT frameworks in CKM system and to understand the influence on performance enhancement within an organization. This research indicates clearly that an integrated customer knowledge management process model which identifies ten sub-processes and essential support function on IT frameworks. Based on our findings, we present a implications of the successful improvement of CKM processes that all employee have some reason to manage of what they know about customers since the customer knowledge is widely dispersed around on the organization. Finally, this paper show that customer knowledge management infrastructure has significant and positive effect on organizational effectiveness regardless of products innovation、service improvement and even business profitability.


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