  • 學位論文

特定農業區高齡者成功老化情形之探究 -以新北市樹林區為例

Successful Aging of the Elderly in Specific Agricultural Section (Take Shulin District, New Taipei City for example)

指導教授 : 謝登旺


本研究的主要目的是為了了解新北市特定農業區老年人成功老化情形並探討其相關因子。本研究採橫斷式研究方法,以新北市樹林區特定農業區所有65 歲以上老年人作為研究母群體,採定額抽樣,抽取新北市樹林區之特定農業區內100位老年人作為研究組,另外再依人口密度最高的都市型的兩個里,抽取100位老年人作為對照組,以此共計200位老年人為此次的研究對象。資料收集是由研究者親自拜訪,由各里里長、松鶴會會長陪同下,以結構式問卷與研究對象面對面方式進行訪談。 問卷內容包括個人背景基本資料(年齡、性別、婚姻狀況、教育程度、居住狀況、經濟來源、是否負擔家庭經濟、是否從事農業活動、居住地等)、成功老化指標(心理範疇、生理範疇、社會範疇、經濟範疇)等。發出問卷共205份,回收200份,回收率97.6%,當中三份填答不完整,屬於廢卷。其中男性89人(45.2%),女性108人(54.8%)。根據獨立樣本T檢定結果顯示:一、心理範疇部分單尾顯著性為0.000<0.05,得出農業特區的心理範疇明顯高於都市化地區;二、社會範疇的單尾顯著性為0.031<0.05,得出農業特區的社會範疇明顯高於都市化地區;三、總體表現單尾顯著性為0.012<0.05 得出農業特區的成功老化總分明顯超出都市化地區的結論。 結論,在特定農業區與都市化地區老年人的背景變項除「是否務農」及「居住地」有顯著差異外,其餘皆無明顯差異,而「是否務農」變項,卻顯示沒有務農者的表現較佳,這與都市化地區的老年人大部分不務農的情形沒有兩樣,又由開放性訪談的結果可以發現,老年人很在意的是自由感,而特定農業區的老年人的生活環境為農村生活,地廣人稀,無論在心靈上或是活動空間都有別於都市化地區的老年人,因此在心理感受上及活動上都優於都市地區的老年人。由此可知「居住地」是影響老年人成功老化的主要因素,且在特定農業區的老年人,其成功老化的表現較優的結論。


The purpose of this study is to know the aging situation of the elderly in specific agricultural section o f New Taipei City and discuss some related factors. The samples in the study are 200 elders. Among them, 100 elders live in specific agricultural section in Shulin district, New Taipei City, rest of them live in two different villages with high population density. The source of data is through face-to –face interview and survey. . The contents of the survey include personal background date, index of successful aging…etc. The total of the survey is 205. The samples included 89 male (45.2%) and 108 female (54.8%).Overall response rate is 97.6%. According to the results of independent t test, first, on mental category (p-value 0.00<0.05), experimental group is higher than control group. Second, on social category (p-value 0.031<0.05) experimental group is higher than control group. Third, total score of experimental group is much higher than control group (p-value 0.012<0.05). The results show that marriage influences mental category and living situation has great relation with physiological category. Also, education, job and residence affect on social category; Economic source is the main factor to influence economical category. Based on the results, except “agricultural” and “residence” these two variables, they have great differences between the elderly in specific agricultural section and in urbanized section. In “agriculture” variable, the elderly who are farmers in specific agricultural section are the same with them in urbanized section. Based on interview, the elderly are care about the feeling of “freedom.” The environment in specific agricultural section has wider land and less people than urbanized section. On mental emotion and action part, they have great performance than the elderly in urbanized section. As a result, residence is the main factor to influence successful aging. The elderly in specific agricultural section has better successful aging.


Baltes, P. B., & Baltes, M. M. (1990). Psychological perspectives on successful
