  • 學位論文


Medical cosmetics marketing strategy ~A Corporation as an example

指導教授 : 李弘暉


醫學美容保養品的成份與療效皆優於一般保養品,因此醫學美容保養品每年均有高幅度的成長率優於一般保養品市場, 現在愛美人士對醫學美容保養品需求及依賴的取向逐漸在提升,媒體的渲染與報導已將明星的微整形風氣帶到普羅大眾,也帶動醫學美容保養的新潮流,多數的消費習慣從原本習慣於百貨公司消費專櫃保養品或學生族群消費於開架通路的保養品,現在已隨波逐流因應整形風氣的盛行而轉向醫學美容保養品,審美觀的提高,通路消費習慣的多元化使得醫美保養品成績斐然,而優異的產品如何透過團隊的集思廣義,巧思的行銷通路策略帶動整體醫美保養品的發展而在競爭激烈的環境脫穎而出,啟動營運新視野,邁向事業高峰正是醫美保養品業者努力的方針。 本研究將針對藥粧通路醫美保養品因應競爭激列的保養品產業,企業要如何持續經營以穩定市場地位進行探討,從消費者之消費態度及個案公司五力分析以觀察品牌的定位、品牌價值於通路中面臨的問題如何克服;並運用創新策略及藍海策略迎戰競爭對手的挑戰及開闢新市場,並針對個案公司的品牌佔有率及經營理念進行分析,以作為未來個案公司醫美市場經營因應之道並針對醫美保養品之未來趨勢及發展策略提出結論及建議。


Medical cosmetics are superior than traditional cosmetics in terms of its efficacy and ingredients, thus enjoying a higher annual growth rate than its traditional counterpart. People pursuing beauty are shifting towards medical cosmetics. Students and consumers used to buying from the department stores are now turning to medical cosmetics, thanks to the huge influence of mass media and celebrities. At the same time, the surge in aesthetic standards amongst consumers and proliferation of consumer channels all help push medical cosmetics sales to new heights. Thus, vendors are all striving to differentiate their offerings through collaborative and innovative marketing, in an attempt to stand out from the intensive competition. This study is to examine the approaches by medical cosmetics vendors in the competitive cosmetics category. Specifically, we will look at one company, how it maintains its market position. Through the lens of consumer behavior and five forces analysis, we will observe how the company’s brand positioning and value proposition helps to tackle the challenges in the marketplace. We will study its creative and blue ocean strategies to compete and explore new markets. We will also include the company’s existing market share and company principles in our study, and establish general growth strategies for the medical cosmetics industry based on conclusions drawn from this case study.


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