  • 學位論文


Transform and Renascence Strategy in EMS industry -A Case study of 3Cems

指導教授 : 何建德


歷經2008年金融海嘯的衝擊,全球景氣陷入低迷,美國經濟處於不景氣狀態,加上歐元體系國家因希臘、西班牙、義大利等國家經濟負成長,外債占全國國民生產毛額(GNP)達20%以上,加劇歐元國家整體經濟大幅衰退:此兩大經濟體系原為亞洲國家各製造企業最大出口地區,因其經濟萎靡不振,造成諸多生產製造企業相續倒閉或大幅縮減成本開支,以祈求度過寒冬,等待春燕來臨。而專業電子代工廠商(EMS-Electronic Manufacturing Service)在這波外在環境之巨變浪潮襲捲下,讓原本微薄利潤更加微薄,使目前電子代工產業毛利潤3%~4%,降至更低;因此之故,如何有效運用有限資源,創造利潤極大化,必須企業結構轉型與企業內部變革,做到產業最具競爭力,便成為企業的核心競爭優勢, 本研究以一專業電子代工台商公司在大陸所設立EMS工廠為研究對象,以個案研究法探討該企業在面臨外部:經營環境嚴重惡化、薪資成本年年攀升;內部:作業成本居高不下、作業效率緩慢、組織架構疊床架屋、冗員過多等諸多因素造成空有穩定且規模量之客戶訂單卻虧損年年;後在該企業事業部副總採取各項變革措施:如轉移成本較低廉生產基地,經營團隊成員多能工且成員精簡,內部營業成本嚴謹管控,加速作業效率等變革措施,讓伊始成立新基地於正式量產後半年間預估即可損益兩平,並今年年底前內即可轉虧為盈。 研究結論顯示:企業在面臨危機時,經營者必須審時度勢,採取正確且必要之變革措施,藉由變革管理八大變革步驟,循序、迅速、有效貫徹執行;最重要為經營者決心變革,請適當參與者上車,不適當參與者下車,再運用各項管理手法貫徹落實,必可畢其功於一役。


Experience the impact of the 2008 financial tsunami,the global economic slowdown. The the United States economy is in bad condition, additionally Euro system countries due to Greece, Spain, Italy and other countries economic negative growth, external debt accounts for the gross national product(GNP) of 20% or more, aggravating the Euro countries overall a sharp economic downturn. The two economic system originally was for the manufacturing enterprise of Asian countries biggest export area, because the economy of these two regions are so weak, a great many manufacturing enterprise collapse one after another or drastically cut their operating costs, to get out of the trouble winter and wait for the warm spring. Suffering the enormous changes during this era, the electronic manufacturing service (EMS) let originally slim margins be more meager. At present, electronic manufacturing industry posted a disappointing drop in profit margins, to 3% ~ 4% of gross profit, or even lower. So we must reflect on how to effectively make use of the limited resources and make the profit maximization.The companies must do a lot of enterprise structure transformation and inner-reformation, and let these come to be the corporation's core advantage of compete. This research take an EMS factory which set by Taiwanese electronic manufacturing company as the research object, use case study to discuss this factory’s problem. The external conditions: sharp deterioration in operating environment, wage costs increased year after year; The internal factors: operating costs is still high, operating inefficiency, organizational structure too cumbersome, redundant workers and so on.These caused the company suffering deficit year after year even it has fixed the stability of customers and orders.After the vice manger of business division take some reform measures, such as transfer cost to low cost production base, multipurpose team members, internal operating costs control strictly, increase overall work productivity.These measures prompted new established base balance the payments after it opened half a year. By the end of this year is expected to turning the business around. The study concluded that: in the face of crisis, the operator must assess the situation and take the correct and necessary reform measures by the eight change steps of change management, progressive, rapidly and effectively implement; the most important for the operators is that determined to change, the appropriate participants were accepted,and the inappropriate were eliminated, then using the fitful management , we can succeed.


Change Change Management EMS


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