  • 學位論文


Vision-based Detection System of Smoking Event

指導教授 : 謝君偉


近年來健康養生觀念不斷地在提升與推廣,而抽煙行為對於自身的健康有著相當的危害,政府亦於今年初開始實施菸害新法,明訂不得於吸煙區之外的場所抽煙,因此,我們於此篇論文中嘗試以視覺為基礎配合使用一般的監視系統設計一套抽煙行為偵測系統,主動監控異常的抽煙行為。 本系統建構於人臉偵測系統之下,再利用顏色特徵與抽煙事件中的各種特性來偵測香煙,最後配合手部動作與香煙之間的關連性與此行為本身的連續性加以分析辨識是否有異常行為發生。 由實驗結果得知,我們所建構的抽煙異常事件偵測系統對於抽煙行為的判斷有著不錯的效果。


抽煙 行為分析 異常事件


In recently years, the concept of health is popularized and promoted unceasingly. Smoking is harmful to our health seriously. The government had put the new “Tobacco Hazards Prevention and Control Act” into practice this year. It stipulates that smoking in the public places is prohibited except in the designated smoking areas. Thereby, we propose a vision-based system and operate this system in coordination with general camera to detect smoking event. Our system is based on face detection. We make use of color feature and various characteristics of smoking event to detect cigarette. And then, we analyze the correlation between cigarette and hands and the continuity of smoking event to recognize the behavior. Experimental results reveal that the performance of proposed system is well.


smoking cigarette behavior analysis event


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