  • 學位論文

高雄市華新洗衣店縱火案 火災模擬

Computer Simulation and Design Analysis of a Residential Building in Kaohsiung Hsiang Tao-yuan

指導教授 : 林誠興 翁芳柏 賈民生


機車與騎樓分別是臺灣地區最常使用的交通工具與建築型態,若遭受人為刻意縱火,而導致騎樓機車發生火災時,往往造成重大人員傷亡及財物損失,況且家用住宅內部多為易燃裝潢材質,火災容易形成擴展性延燒,而消防設備不足,往往是造成人命與財產損失最重要的原因。因此投入建築物火災之研究實屬重要,,以避免或減少類似災害的發生。 本研究是以高雄市華新洗衣店的一棟透天民宅為研究對象,利用「FDS」軟體來分析火場,以電腦模擬火場各物理現象,針對上層溫度及CO氣體濃度等參數的變化,探討參數對火場及人員逃生的影響,進而利用這些資訊可以讓我們平時做好防火準備。


In Taiwan, arcade is the most common construction design while motorcycle is the Taiwanese favorite vehicle. Property loss as well as injures and deaths may easily caused by a motorcycle arson in an arcade. For this reason, a closer study on the arcade fire resulted from a motorcycle burning is necessary. This study focuses on a residential building arcade, Kaohsiung Whau-Hsin laundry. FDS (Fire Dynamic Simulator) software is applied to analyze the fire site. With FDS, a simulated fire mode is conducted and relevant data is collected. The variation of upper temperature response and of the carbon monoxide concentration is brought into discussion, which enables helpful fire prevention in normal time.


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【3】Noah L. Ryder, Jason A. Sutula, Christopher F. Schemel, Andrew J. Hamer, Vincent Van Brunt, 〝Consequence modeling using the fire dynamics simulator〞, Journal of Hazardous Materials, pp.149-154, 2004.
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【7】J.G. Quintiere,〝Chemistry and Physics of Fire〞, Principle of Fire Behavior, pp.77-99, 1998.


