  • 學位論文


The Research of Structured Notes and Sales Risk from a Bank

指導教授 : 陳家祥


財富管理業務是可說是近年來金融業最紅的業務之一,金融業長期處於過度競 爭中,在利潤不斷地壓縮下,各銀行不斷地創新,提供新種投資工具給投資人,過 去三年,台灣銀行賣出二兆以上的結構型商品,結構型商品是近年財富管理業務下 的新商品,去年下半年發生次級房貸風暴以來,由於銀行與投資人的資訊落差,銀 行在銷售結構型商品時未充分告知風險,及未依客戶的風險屬性銷售適合其屬性之 財富管理商品,導致投資糾紛不斷,故本論文選定銀行銷售結構型商品之銷售風險 為研究主題。如何依客戶風險屬性承受度設計及分類,並提供客戶適合的金融商品, 已成為目前金融業者不可忽視之重要課題。 本研究採用質化研究的個案分析法,藉由C銀行的連動債個案,探討國內財富管理 銀行銷售結構型商品面臨之銷售風險,本論文目的如下:一、探討財富管理業務客 戶風險屬性分析之重要性。二、分析銀行銷售結構型商品之流程與銷售風險管理。 三、提出投資人購買結構型商品應注意事項。期望以探討個案銀行對投資型商品銷 售流程的執行的方式,藉以提供國內財富管理銀行未來在銷售結構型商品之參考。 也以此研究希望給予投資人在購買結構型商品相關建議。


Wealth Management is the most popular business issue among financial industry recently; due to the financial industry has been suffered from long term competition, plus banks have been innovated new investment tool for investor even though the profit is squeezed. For the past three years, banks in Taiwan have been sold out more than 2000 million Structured Notes which is the new merchandise under wealth management. Since subprimemortgage was occurred last year; the insufficient information between banks and investors that brings problems and risks while banks promote structured notes. The research based on the risk of structured notes and provided different designed for each customer; this is an important topic among financial industry nowadays. The research adopted the structured notes from C bank and further to analysis the risk that under Wealth Management; the purposes of this research are as the following: 1. The importance of wealth management toward customers’ risk. 2. Analysis the procedure of structured notes and risk management. 3. Pointed out the attention for investors while purchasing structured notes. This research also expected to implement sale of structured notes in order to take it as vi reference for domestic banks; moreover, the research will come out relevant suggestions for investors whom will purchase structured notes in the future.


12. 王鶴松(2003),「我國銀行業的現況與未來努力的方向」,台灣金融財務季
17. 柯瓊鳳,2003,「信用衍生性金融商品暨其主要會計準則之探討」,台灣金融
