  • 學位論文


Gender/Body Politics in the Public Sphere: the Making of the Middle-Class Woman’s Body in Taiwan, 1950s-1970s

指導教授 : 王秀雲


本文以1950-1970年代觀光論述與黃臉婆論述中的中產階級女性身體為例,探討台灣戰後性別身體歷史中一段重要的時期。為了觀察這些加諸於女性身體的規範,主要使用1950-1970年代報紙、女性雜誌與相關書籍作為歷史材料,使用史料分析方法,分析這段時間報章雜誌如何談論這些在公領域中合宜展示身體的女性,以及影響這些條件設定的可能。 觀光產業中的女體作為現代與傳統、東方與西方之間掙扎的角力場域,讓我們理解台灣戰後於國際間矛盾位置,看見國族力量與政治社會情勢,共同影響了當時女性自身或社會大眾對於合宜女性身體的想像。黃臉婆論述則顯示合宜的展現身體成為當時已婚婦女要掌握的身體資本,不只是為了要挽回丈夫的心,更是為了中產階級女性所應該呈現的禮儀樣貌。 藉由本研究所使用的例子,可以發現台灣社會自1950年代以來,中產階級女性身體處境的歷史變遷。不同處境的女性身體,其需要合宜展示的原因有所不同,並非只是一般認為的女人天生愛美,或是受到許多外在的權力壓迫無法抵抗。將女性對於身材外貌的要求放置在複雜的社會情境下觀看之後,女人的身體既代表國家、企業的門面,也是自我的展現,更是為了維持夫家面子與自身階級的禮儀。


This thesis analyzes several discourses concerning the middle-class woman’s body in the period between 1950s and 1970s in Taiwan, especially tourism industry, job descriptions for women service workers, and “yellow faced woman” (huang lian po, polite or derogatory term referring to one’s own wife) discourses. These discourses belonged to the two most powerful social institutions, work and marriage, which were the most salient forces in women’s lives. The primary sources include newspaper articles, women’s magazines, manuals, and published books. I pay special attention to discursive formations and representations of the proper woman’s body, and I argue that these discourses played an important role in regulating middle class women’s body in the public sphere. The discourses were first conditioned by the Cold War culture and further enhanced by Taiwan’s fast industrialization in the 1960s and 1970s, etc. Job advertisements and descriptions set the qualifications for what a woman’s body should be like, if she was to work in the public. In addition, the ways in which the body was depicted revealed some elements of modernity and self-orientalism. The women’s body was situated in the context of Taiwan’s ambiguous position in the post WWII era and the Taiwanese government’s eagerness to prove itself as the legitimate China. The forces of nationalism and international politics shaped the knowledge of how a woman should present her body appropriately in the public. The main message in the Huang Lian Po discourses is a married woman should present herself in a decent way lest her husband be embarrassed. These codes of conduct were not just for keeping the marriage, but also a way for women to maintain their middle class status. The thesis demonstrates the historical transition of how middle class women cared for their body during the second half of the twentieth century. I argue that both gender and body politics are historically contingent; they corresponded to particular historical circumstances. The forces involved in shaping a woman’s body may stem from the nation, consumer culture, making the husband look good, and middle class status.




