  • 學位論文


The relationship of work stress, stress coping , and organizational empowerment, to depression of high-technology employees

指導教授 : 王瑞霞


摘要 本研究探討高科技產業研發人員工作壓力、壓力因應行為、組織賦權與憂鬱程度之相關性,研究目的為:(1)了解高科技產業人員憂鬱程度之現況。(2)探討高科技產業人員人口學特質、工作特性、工作壓力、壓力因應行為、組織賦權與憂鬱程度間的相關性。(3)探討影響高科技產業人員憂鬱程度的重要預測因子。採描述相關性研究設計,以立意取樣,在南部楠梓加工區ㄧ家電子公司、ㄧ家半導體公司及前鎮加工區ㄧ家電子公司,選取研發部門服務滿3個月以上之員工共290人。以結構式問卷調查,問卷包括:工作壓力量表、壓力因應行為量表、組織賦權量表及憂鬱量表。將所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森基差相關分析、逐步複迴歸及階層複迴歸進行統計分析。 研究結果發現:(1)本研究對象的憂鬱程度的分佈,以正常者為最多,有156人(53.8%)、其次分別為輕度憂鬱者,有61人(21.0%)、中度憂鬱者,有60人(20.7%)及最少者為重度憂鬱,有13人(4.5%)。(2)年齡愈小、未婚者、無子女數、非主管者及實際一週工作時數愈長者,其憂鬱程度愈嚴重。(3)工作壓力愈高者、壓力因應行為使用頻率愈少者及組織賦權程度愈低者,憂鬱程度愈嚴重。(4)組織賦權、實際一週工作時數、工作壓力及壓力因應行為憂鬱程度的顯著預測因子,可解釋憂鬱程度的總變異數48.7%。 本研究結果可提供職業衛生護理人員推動職場健康促進相關活動、規劃心理衛生與諮商輔導介入性研究之參考。


Abstract This study explores the correlation of work stress, stress coping, organization empowerment, and degree of depression among high-tech industry employees. A sample of high-tech industry employees were targeted with the purposes of: (1) understanding the status quo of level of depression; (2) investigating the correlation of demographic data, work characteristics, work stress, stress coping, organization empowerment, and level of depression; and (3) explaining the important estimated factors of depression. This is a cross-sectional and correlational study. A convenience sample of 290 subjects who had worked in research and development departments for more than 3 months were sampled for self-administration from one electronic company and one semiconductor company in Nan Tze Export Processing Zone, and one electronic company in Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone. The structured questionnaires included a Work Stress Scale, Stress Coping Scale, Organization Empowerment Scale, and Depression Scale (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, CES-D) 。The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t–test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The results of this study showed that: (1) there were 156 subjects who were normal (53.8 %), 61 had mild depression (21 %), 60 had moderate depression (20.7%), and 13 had major depression (4.5%); (2) subjects who were younger, single, had no children, no administrative duties, but with longer working hours per week tended to have higher levels of depression; (3) subjects who had greater work stress, used stress-coping strategies less frequently and had less organizational empowerment tended to have higher levels of depression; (4) organizational empowerment, actual working hours per week, work stress, and coping with stress were all important factors of depression, and explained 48.7% of the total amount of variance. The results of this study can provide occupational health nursing staff with references for health promotion-related activities, and mental health and counseling models. The study may also serve as a reference for future intervention programs in the field.




