  • 學位論文


The Relationship of the Oral Care Behavior with Dental Caries and Periodontal Disease of Adults

指導教授 : 楊奕馨


摘要 本研究主要目的是在探討成人口腔保健行為與齲齒及牙周病之相關性,以高雄市一職業團體環保局清潔隊職工為研究對象進行調查,選擇口腔狀況檢查及問卷調查兩者皆做者為樣本數,共計1982人。用MS Access軟體,完成資料建檔後,以JMP統計套裝軟體,進行資料統計分析。 此次受檢職工男女性相當各佔48.69﹪、51.31﹪;以年齡在50歲以上者為主有40.69﹪;教育程度小學畢業以下居多佔48.77﹪;近50﹪的人有嚼食檳榔及吸菸習慣,其中嚼食檳榔者佔19.47﹪(男36.69﹪,女3.26﹪),吸菸者達28.30﹪(男54.24﹪,女5.54﹪)。 研究結果發現:(1)平均齲齒指數7.65顆、盛行率79.91﹪、填補率64.54﹪;社區牙周健康指數小於2者有44.25﹪,牙結石佔51.42﹪,牙齦附連喪失0-3mm佔90.42﹪,以年齡輕、高教育程度者愈佳;(2)口腔保健行為中,刷牙次數以每天早晚二次者最多佔64.68﹪,其中女性、20至44歲及小學畢業為最多;只有5.13﹪有早晚及餐後潔牙。大多數刷牙方法仍習慣使用橫擦法佔65.34﹪,只有約10.58﹪的人使用貝氏法;會定期看牙醫者比例為20.50﹪,隨年齡增加、教育程度降低而減少;(3)每天晚上刷牙一次者齲齒盛行率最高,而牙周健康指數小於2者則最低;刷牙二次以上者填補率較高,牙周狀況也最佳;(4)嚼食檳榔及吸菸兩者皆無的人齲齒盛行率最高,牙周健康指數小於2者最多,填補率及定期看牙醫者也最多。 影響口腔健康狀況的相關因素在對數迴歸分析中得知,重要因素有年齡層、職別、刷牙方法、刷牙次數、定期看牙醫及吸菸,尤其是研究結果顯示刷牙次數愈少、年齡愈大及有吸菸的人牙周病罹患隨著上升。研究結果建議,未來在推動口腔保健中,首重口腔檢查並適時介入檳榔、菸對健康危害之宣導;但當民眾,對自己的口腔健康疏於注意時,就須另闢管道,如走入社區、主動近入職業團體,做口腔檢查,並加強衛生教育推廣,教導具體、正確的潔牙方式,宣導定期看牙醫的重要性,以落實口腔保健行為,實為當務重要之事。 關鍵字:嚼食檳榔、吸菸、齲齒、牙周病


嚼食檳榔 吸菸 齲齒 牙周病


Abstract The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship among oral health care behaviors, dental caries and periodontal disease. There were 1982 employees of the Bureau of Environmental Protection in Kaohsiung city recruited for this study. Each participant received an oral check and filled out a questionnaire through personal interview. Data were processed and analyzed with SAS and JMP statistical software, respectively. Among these participants, there were 48.69% men, 51.31% women, 40.69% with age older than 50, 48.7% with education level of elementary school or under. The prevalence rates of betel quid chewing and smoking were 19.47% (men 36.69%, women 3.26%) and 28.30% (men54.24%, women 5.54%), respectively. The results showed that for the oral health condition, the DMFT is 7.65, the prevalence rate of caries is 79.91%, the filling rate of caries is 64.54%, the Community Periodontal Index (CPI) less than 2 is 44.25%, the prevalence rate of calculus is 51.42%, and the loss of attachment with 0-3 mm is 90.42%. The overall condition was better among the younger and higher educated level. Tooth-brushing twice a day was the most common oral care behavior (64.68%), and only 5.13% brush their teeth both after meals in the morning and at night. Most of the people tooth-brushing twice were those among the female, younger and lower educated level. The most common tooth-brushing method was horizontal scrub method (65.34%), and only 10.58% Bath’s method. The regular dental visits is 20.50%, and this ratio decreased as the age increased and educational degree decreased. The people who brush-tooth more than twice were better in the filling rate of caries and periodontal condition as well. Although people without any betel quid chewing or smoking effect had the highest prevalence rate of caries, they also had the highest proportion of Community Periodontal Index less than 2, filling rate of caries and regular dental visits. Analysis showed that the main effects of oral care include age, occupation, teeth-brush method, frequency, period of regular dental visits and smoking. Research results showed that the people who brushed teeth less frequently, with older age and with smoking habits were more likely to have periodontal disease. Based on the study results, one can concluded that people should be notified the damage caused by betel quid chewing and cigarette smoking. Alternative ways will need to be constructed, if people were less care of their own cavity health. One should also focus on the oral health care education of occupation groups. keywords: betel quid chewing, cigarette smoking, dental caries, periodontal disease




