  • 學位論文


Medical Personnel’s Awareness of Oral Health Care and Related Factors

指導教授 : 陳景元


背景:口腔衛生保健在各個年齡層皆是重要的衛生教育議題,回顧國內外相關文獻發現醫療人員口腔衛生保健知識及行為普遍不足,然而醫療人員卻是第一線口腔衛生保健的衛教者,這也是目前臨床醫療人員教育面臨的困境。 目的:本研究主旨在探討瞭解醫療人員口腔衛生保健知識、態度與行為的現況,如何「提昇醫療人員口腔衛生保健認知」正是臨床醫療人員面臨的重要課題。 方法:在研究程序上為更深入了解醫療人員口腔衛生保健知識,是否能使被照護者獲得妥善的口腔衛生護理,係以問卷調查為主。 結果:所得到的量化資料經由統計分析以驗證假設。可提供國內各層級臨床醫療人員之參考,以改善口腔衛生照護不足所衍生的臨床問題。


Background:Oral health care is an important health education issue for all age groups. By reviewing foreign and native literature, we found that medical personnel''s knowledge and behavior about oral health care were generally insufficient. However, medical personnel is the first line educator for oral health care, and this is the current dilemma for their clinical education. Purpose:The purpose of this study focused on exploring current status about medical personnel''s oral health care knowledge, attitude and behavior. How to raise the perceptions of oral health care is an important issue for medical personnel. Methods:In order to understand the levels about oral health care knowledge, attitude and behavior of medical personnel, we used a three-part questionnaire exploring aspects of oral health in this study. Results:Collected quantitative data were analyzed with Statistical Product and Service Solutions (Version 18). The results provided all fields of medical personnel as a reference to improve the clinical problems caused by inadequate oral health care.


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