  • 學位論文


A Study of Lippes Loop: Discourses on Lippes Loop in Taiwan's Family Planning Program and Female Body Experiences, 1960s-1980s

指導教授 : 王秀雲


本文以1960-1980年代台灣家庭計劃中推行的子宮內避孕器-樂普為例,探討相關推行論述以及婦女使用經驗,分析與之相關的各個群體對於樂普的論述與看法。分析的材料包括了台灣家庭計劃的官方出版物、報紙、期刊等,以及樂普使用者、銅T使用者、婦產科醫師、家計人員、助產士的訪談資料。 相關群體的討論以政策者、醫界(包括了醫師、助產士、家計人員)、以及婦女使用者為主。研究發現政策者運用目標導向等種種推行策略大規模推行樂普;醫界在某種程度上也在樂普推行網絡中扮演不可或缺的中介者角色,但透過資料的爬梳可以看到醫界內部對於樂普的看法並不一致;社會歷史處境會影響婦女使用者在避孕方式上的選擇,透過婦女自述的使用經驗,可以讓我們看到不同於過去政策者對於樂普的正面看法與宣稱。 本研究企圖呈現,過去文獻對於台灣家庭計畫的過度頌揚,忽略了推動過程中的性別政治。女性作為家庭計劃的主要推行對象,樂普的使用者,不僅是被實驗的對象,亦常被醫療權威被視為是過度敏感、小題大作、無知、神經質等等。而透過樂普,讓我們看見女人的社會處境、身體觀,以及其所擁有的隱微知識、使用經驗,理解她們行為背後的原因,也能讓我們看見在國家的政策之下,女人的聲音是如何受到壓抑、忽視,難以發聲。


家庭計劃 樂普 避孕器 女性經驗


This thesis examines the discourses on the promotion of the Lippes Loop and the experiences of the women users in Taiwan’s Family Planning Program in the period between 1960s and 1980s. The materials include oral history interviews with 10 Lippes Loop users, 4 other IUD users, 1 gynecologist, 1 midwife, 1 family planning worker, and other historical documents. By analyzing several relevant groups for Lippes Loop, including the government, the medical community, and women users, I found that the government used goal-oriented strategy to promote the use of Lippes Loop. In addition, the medical community, with its professional and cultural authority, played an important role in promoting IUDs in public, and individual physicians were instrumental in installing IUDs in their medical practice. However, by examining various medical journals it appears that members of the medical community did not share the same opinions regarding Lippes Loop. Finally and most importantly, the choices that the users made were affected by the historical circumstances. It is only through revealing the experiences of women users, we may see the other side of the Taiwan Family Planning Program. Taiwan’s Family Planning Program has been much acclaimed; it is often described as a miracle. Yet, little attention has been paid to the gender politics involved in the implantation of the so-called miraculous program. Women were treated much like experimental subjects, and their reported reactions to the device were often ignored as over-sensitiveness; the physicians often condescended on women’s ways of dealing with the Loop. Only when one looks into these historical circumstances, including individual women’s condition, their notions of the body and their tacit knowledge, does one begin to understand their lived body experiences.


一、 史料
(一) 專書


