  • 學位論文


Research on the Construction of Age-friendly Volunteer Service Index in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 陳政智


本研究目的在建立高雄市高齡友善志願服務指標,研究參考相關文獻擬定初步指標、初步指標透由專家學者給予指導及指正,修改問卷內容後,邀請30位高齡志工進行預試,刪除無效指標後,進行正式施測,以高雄市55歲以上現職志願服務人員為主要研究對象,共發出800份問卷,回收問卷642份,回收率為80.25%,經篩選填答資料不完整、複選答案及受試者年齡不符55歲之無效問卷計95份,有效問卷計547份。 採用的統計方法包含描述性統計、積差相關、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及線性迴歸分析。獲得以下結論:一、本研究提出之心理、生理、社會等三大層面及無障礙與安全的空間、可及性、服務選擇、心理需求滿足、理念的實踐、教育訓練、敬老與福利、社會參與及角色的界定等九大項目內之變項皆為高齡志工認為之友善指標。二、不同背景變項之高齡志工對本研究之指標有不同的認知及相關。三、高齡志工個人背景變項在年齡、教育程度、就業狀態、目前或退休前的職業及服務年資上具有部份解釋力。基於上述結論,提出了對政府、志工團隊之建議,對政府部門的建議包含應建立高齡友善志願服務指標、建立旗艦型高齡志願服務運用團隊及將高齡友善志願服務指標融入志願服務考核指標;對志工團隊建議有三,包含建立高齡友善志願服務空間、依高齡者志工個人背景不同提供適切的關懷及依高齡志願服務指標推動高齡志工之發展等。


Abstract The purpose of this study is to establish an index of age-friendly volunteer service in Kaohsiung. Research and draw up preliminary indicators with reference to relevant literature, preliminary indicators are guided and corrected by experts and scholars. After modifying the questionnaire content, invited 30 senior volunteers for pre-test. Formal test after removing invalid indicators. Formal test with current volunteers in Kaohsiung 55 years old as the main research object. A total of 800 questionnaires were sent, and 642 questionnaires were recovered with a recovery rate of 80.25%. After screening, 95 invalid questionnaires were counted and 547 valid questionnaires were counted. The statistical approaches used in this research included descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and linear regression. It was concluded that:(A)The three major levels of psychology, physiology, and society proposed in this study, as well as the barrier-free and safe space, accessibility, service selection, psychological needs fulfillment, the practice of ideas, education and training, respect for the elderly and welfare, social participation, and role definition The variables in the nine major projects are indicators of friendliness that senior volunteers consider.(B) Senior volunteers with different background variables have different perceptions and correlations with the indicators of this study.(C) Personal background variables of senior volunteers have some explanatory power in terms of age, education level, employment status, occupation and service years before or after retirement. Based on the above conclusions, suggestions for the government and volunteer teams are put forward. Recommendations for government departments include indicators for age-friendly volunteering, establish flagship age-friendly volunteer service application team and integrate senior friendly volunteer service indicators into voluntary service assessment indicators. There are three suggestions for the volunteer team, including establishing a friendly volunteer service space for senior citizens, providing appropriate care based on the personal background of senior volunteers, and promoting the development of senior volunteers based on age-friendly volunteer indicators.


age-friendly Volunteer


世界衛生組織(2008)。高齡友善城市指標(Global Age-Friendly Cities: A Guide)。
