  • 學位論文


Physical fitness in adolescent athletes: Comparisons among sports

指導教授 : 朱奕華


研究背景:探討國中運動校隊青少年運動員之身體適能狀況,並比較不同運動校隊之運動員身體適能的差別。 研究方法:研究對象為田徑隊30人、籃球隊3 0 人、武術隊 30 人及一般國中生30人,共 120人。測驗項目為:身高、體重、坐姿體前彎、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、測量心肺功能的1600公尺(男生)與800公尺(女生)跑走、10公尺×4次折返跑、立定跳遠以及測量平衡感的閉眼慣用腳單腳平衡和星型動態平衡。 研究結果:田徑、籃球和武術等三種校隊在各項身體適能項目都優於一般生組。田徑的男女生有較佳的心肺功能,武術選手有較佳的柔軟度和平衡感,籃球選手則有較佳的敏捷性,而三組校隊在星型動態平衡表現大多優於一般生組。 結論:國民中學階段,運動校隊的訓練會因不同項目對學生身體適能產生不同的影響,這與訓練的方式及運動項目有很大的關係,而有規律運動和運動訓練的國中生其在爆發力、敏捷性、柔軟度、平衡感和心肺適能等能力都有較好的表現。


Background: To investigate the physical fitness among adolescents and compare the differences in athletes from different sports teams. Method: One hundred and twenty participants aged 12-15 years old were recruited for this study (Track and field n=30; basketball n=30; Wushu n=30; general n=30). Participants’ height, weight, flexibility, muscle endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, agility, power, and static and dynamic balance were assessed. Results: Athletes in the Track and field,basketball and Wushu teams had better physical fitness than general students.Boys and girls from track and field team had better cardiorespiratory endurance than the other three groups.The Wushu team had better flexibility and static balance than the other three groups.The three sport teams had better agility than general students. And basketball team had the best performance in agility.Regarding dynamic balance, the three sport teams had better performance in dynamic balance in most directions. Conclusion: Physical fitness in adolescents was affected differently in different sports teams. Moreover, adolescents who receive training in the sports team may have better physical fitness than those who do not.


Physical fitness Wushu teams


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