  • 學位論文


The effect of anonymity and visibility and the effect of favor and face on academic comments:situation or culture?

指導教授 : 張滿玲




In Chinese society, how to make comments in a academic colloquium is a dilemma—direct criticism for the sake of professionalism, on the other hand, indirect for quanxi. The study examined whether academic comments were influenced by situational anonymity and visibility, or by the Chinese value of favor and face, or by both. Anonymity and visibility were manipulated in the scenario, in which a doctoral graduate was intending to make comments in a conference. 156 master’s and doctoral students were asked to imagine themselves in the scenario and then indicated how they would respond and what they would consider in that situation. Neither significant main effect not interaction of anonymity and visibility on directness of criticism were found. No matter whether the situation is anonymous or visible, mean of criticism directness was approximately at the mid-point on a 6-point scale, which represented a compromise between direct and indirect criticism. Also, there was a significant main effect for “saving of others face”, that is, no matter what the immediate situation was, the more participants considered others’ face, the less they criticized directly. An interaction effect of “self-evaluation about favor” and visibility indicated that the more participants considered their self-evaluation about favor, the less they criticized directly, especially in the visible condition. Chinese’ others orientation was confirmed in the findings. Other-focus made criticism less direct. People were watched in the visible situation so that they concerned for their self-evaluation. Self-focus made criticism less directly. Chinese Zhong Yong thinking style was further discussed. Chinese consider both sides of professionalism and quanxi in academic comments. They thoroughly consider both the situation anonymity and visibility and the Chinese value of others’ face and their self-evaluation about favor, then select an optimal alternative from available solutions. It was concluded that effort to person-making, even in academic colloquium, is pervasive in Chinese society.


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