  • 學位論文


Development and Application of Nonviolent Communication Scale

指導教授 : 鍾昆原


本研究目的在檢驗自編非暴力溝通量表信效度,並運用該量表探討人際困境中, 非暴力溝通與人際關係及幸福感之關係。本研究藉由網路問卷填寫職場人際情境之 非暴力溝通量表、人際關係、幸福感及同理心量表,有效樣本共 236 位,年齡介於 18-35 歲。結果顯示:自編非暴力溝通量表在同理自己、同理他人向度上,內部一 致性分別為.73 與.68,兩者與同理心量表之效標關聯效度分別為.38、.36 均達顯 著正相關;在後續應用研究上,結果發現:同理自己與同理他人能聯合預測人際關 係;而人際關係也部分中介了同理自己、同理他人對幸福感的影響。上述結果顯示, 自編非暴力溝通量表具良好的信效度,也能應用於相關研究上,期待未來能將非暴 力溝通應用在職場中並擴及更多族群與年齡層面。


The purpose of this study is to test the reliability and validity of the self-developed non-violent communication scale, and to use this scale to explore the relationship among non-violent communication and interpersonal relationships and well-beling in interpersonal difficulties. This study was completed by online questionnaire which is about non-violent communication scales for interpersonal situations in workplace, interpersonal relationships, well-being, and empathy scales. A total of 236 valid samples were aged 18-35. The results show that the Cronbach's Alpha of the self-developed non-violent communication scale in self-empathy and empathy is .73 and .68 and the validity of the two is related to the empirical validity scale respectively .38 and .36, which indicate significant positive correlations. In subsequent applied research, it was found that self empathic and empathic can jointly predict interpersonal relationships and interpersonal relationships also partially mediate self-empathy and empathy influences. The above results show that the self- developed non-violent communication scale has good reliability and validity and can also be applied to related research. It is expected that non-violent communication will be applied in workplace in the future and expand to more ethnic and age levels.


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