  • 學位論文


Investigation of Behavior and Social Functioning in Patients with Turner Syndrome

指導教授 : 趙美琴


本研究為探討透納氏症患者(年齡介於6到18歲)之行為和社交功能。研究採立意取樣方式,其中透納氏症組為28位經由南部醫學中心之遺傳及內分泌科門診醫師確診以及病友協會的透納氏症女孩,年齡介於6到18歲。對照組之受試者則是28位由南部某國小和國高中之一般女孩,排除任何患有身體和精神疾患者。請每一位受試者之父母(主要照顧者)完成兒童行為檢核表 (The Child Behavior Checklist, CBCL),並請班級導師完成教師報告表 (Teacher Report Form, TRF)。本研究採用無母數統計來比較兩組受試者之CBCL和TRF得分。研究結果顯示,透納氏症患者在社會和行為問題上有較高的風險,且透納氏症組與對照組在行為問題和能力表現上的差異似乎不只與透納氏症對患者所造成的基因脆弱性有關,與患者所處的不同發展階段(思春期前後)也有很大的關係。此外,透過一般線性模式對比結果得出,透納氏症患者之行為與情緒問題隨染色體核型之不同((45,X); (45,X+Variant); (45,X+Y))呈顯著性直線遞減現象。根據研究結果,我們建議除了傳統的藥物治療,針對透納氏症患者的全面性治療亦應包含教育和行為介入。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the behavior and social functioning in patients with Turner syndrome (TS), 6-18 years of age. Purposive sampling was used in collecting twenty eight girls with TS (range, 6-18 years) from genetic endocrine outpatient medical centers and the Patients Association. The control subjects were twenty eight girls without physical and mental abnormality recruited from an elementary school and a secondary school. One parent (primary caregiver) of each subject completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) while the teacher completed the Teacher Report Form (TRF) for that subject. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare CBCL and TRF scores with the control group. The results showed that girls with TS are at a higher risk of having social and behavioral problems than the control group, the differences seem not only to be caused by the vulnerability of genes, but also by the different stage of development (before and during the pubescence). In addition, the result of General Linear Mode (GLM) showed that there is a significant linear decreasing in the behavior and emotional problems of TS with different karyotype ((45, X); (45, X + Variant); (45, X + Y )). Based on the findings, we recommend the comprehensive treatment of girls with TS should include educational and behavioral interventions in addition to traditional medical therapies.


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