  • 學位論文


The Psychometric Properties of Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment for Children (DOTCA-Ch) in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

指導教授 : 汪宜霈


目的: 兒童動態職能治療認知評量(DOTCA-Ch)為應用於6-12歲兒童、以動態評量為導向的認知評估工具,此測驗共有22題、涵括五大認知領域:定向感、空間知覺、動作運用、視覺動作建構、和思考運轉。本研究目的為檢驗中文版DOTCA-Ch應用於注意力缺陷過動症 (ADHD) 兒童之心理計量特質。並探討ADHD兒童在DOTCA-Ch測驗之表現。 方法: 本研究對象為30位ADHD(平均年齡:106.9 ± 18.8個月)與45位正常發展兒童 (TD)(平均年齡:108.0 ± 21.4個月)。兩組在前測時均接受DOTCA-Ch測驗,ADHD組於前測時亦接受中文版學校日常生活功能量表 (SFA) 及注意力缺陷過動症中文版量表 (SNAP-IV) 評估。ADHD組會在前測兩週後接受DOTCA-Ch後測。本研究驗證ADHD兒童在DOTCA-Ch測驗之信度(內部一致性、再測信度、反應性與最小可偵測之變異量)及效度(同時效度、已知族群效度、聚斂效度與區辨效度)。同時也藉由ADHD兒童在DOTCA-Ch之表現探討其認知缺損。 結果: (一)兩組差異:相較於正常發展組,ADHD在DOTCA-Ch測驗之「定向感」與「空間知覺」領域分數較低,顯示在此兩項領域有認知缺損。(二)信度:DOTCA-Ch具有尚可之內部一致性 (α = .63)。再測信度部分,除了「思考運轉」領域 (ICC = .19) 外,其它領域均有良好再測信度 (ICC: .56 - .88)。在反應性部分,ADHD兒童在DOTCA-Ch各領域之測量標準誤 (SEMs) 介於.51 – 1.17。DOTCA-Ch各領域最小可偵測之變異量 (MDD) 介於1.41至3.23。(三)效度:在同時效度方面,ADHD兒童僅在DOTCA-Ch「空間知覺」與「動作運用」領域分數與SFA「認知卅行為」向度分數相關 (r = .25, .07)。DOTCA-Ch測驗之「空間知覺」、「視覺動作建構」與「思考運轉」領域與SNAP-IV呈現中度相關,同時效度尚佳。DOTCA-Ch具有良好已知族群效度(區辨率:76.7%, p = .00),可被用來區辨ADHD與正常發展兒童。在聚斂效度方面,「定向感」與「動作運用」、「定向感」與「視覺動作建構」、「定向感」與「思考運轉」、及「動作運用」與「視覺動作建構」領域間呈中度相關 (r = .38 - .56),具有中等以上之聚斂效度。 結論: 本研究結果顯示,DOTCA-Ch應用於ADHD時之心理計量特質尚可,以再測信度、同時效度、已知族群效度與聚斂效度較佳。部份反應性結果數值(例如:MDD)可用於解釋臨床介入之成效。


Purpose: Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment for Children (DOTCA-Ch) provides a measure of cognitive assessment and learning potential for children ages 6-12 with special needs. It consists of 22 sub-tests in 5 cognitive areas: Orientation, Spatial Perception, Praxis, Visuomotor Construction and Thinking Operations. The purpose of the study was to examine the psychometric properties of DOTCA-Ch-Chinese Version in ADHD. This study investigated the cognitive profiles of children with ADHD by utilizing the DOTCA-Ch as well. Methods: Thirty children with ADHD (age = 106.9 ± 18.8 mo), and forty-five age-matched typical developing (TD) participants (age = 108.0 ± 21.4 mo) were recruited in this study. At pretest, both groups were assessed by DOTCA-Ch, and the ADHD group was also administered with both School Function Assessment (SFA) and Chinese Version of the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham, Version IV Scale (SNAP-IV). The ADHD group was re-tested by DOTCA-Ch with a 2-week interval after the pre-test (post-test). The study examined the reliabilities (internal consistency, test-retest reliability, responsiveness and minimum detectable difference) and validities (concurrent validity, known-groups validity, convergent validity and discriminant validity) of DOTCA-Ch in ADHD children. We also discussed the possible cognitive deficits in ADHD by analyzing their performances on DOTCA-Ch. Results: (1) Between group differences: Comparing to the TD group, ADHD group had lower scores on the Orientation and Spatial Perception areas of the DOTCA-Ch. The results suggested their possible deficits in these two areas. (2) Reliabilities: The DOTCA-Ch has below-fair internal consistency (α = .63). All the five DOTCA-Ch areas have good test-retest reliabilities (ICC: .56 - .88) except for the Thinking Operation area (ICC = .19). For the responsiveness indices, the values of the standard error of measurement (SEMs) of the DOTCA-Ch areas range from .51 to 1.17. The minimal detectable difference (MDD) values of the areas range from 1.41 to 3.23. (3) Validities: Low correlations (r = .25, .07) were obtained between the scores of DOTCA-Ch Spatial Perception, Praxis areas and Cognitive/Behavioral Function of SFA respectively. The SNAP-IV moderately correlated with the Spatial Perception, Visuomotor Construction and Thinking Operation areas of DOTCA-Ch, and the results demonstrate moderate concurrent validities of the three DOTCA-Ch areas. The DOTCA-Ch could be used to discriminate ADHD and TD children due to its sound known-groups validity (discriminant rate = 76.7%, p = .00). Moderate correlations (r = .38 - .56) were obtained between the scores of Orientation and Praxis areas, Orientation and Visuomotor Construction areas, Orientation and Thinking Operation areas, Praxis and Visuomotor Construction areas of DOTCA-Ch. The correlations among DOTCA-Ch areas show moderate convergent validities. Conclusion: In conclusion, the DOTCA-Ch has moderate psychometric properties in ADHD children. The test has good test-retest reliability, concurrent validity, known-groups validity and convergent validity. Some responsiveness indices (e.g., MDD) could be used to interpret the real intervention effects.


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