  • 學位論文


The relationship among oral condition, food intake and growth in preschool children

指導教授 : 謝天渝


中文摘要 研究背景: 台灣地區,衛生署公元2000年(行政院衛生署國民健康局2000)台灣6-18歲口腔狀況普查報告中指出台灣12歲兒童的恆齒齲齒指數(DMFT)為3.31顆;齲齒盛行率為66.5%,6歲兒童的乳齒齲齒指數(deft)為5.29顆,盛行率為89.5%,與世界衛生組織所訂定的目標仍有一段差距,特別是學齡前兒童。由於多數父母認為乳齒只是過渡齒終究會換成恆齒,因此對幼童口腔保健並未真正加以重視,因而忽略了兒童口腔疾病可能造成的嚴重後果。 研究目的: 針對學齡前兒童探討口腔狀況與身體發育之相關性,口腔狀況與飲食攝取頻率之相關性及飲食攝取頻率與身體發育之相關性。 材料與方法: 研究對象選擇台南市與高雄市政府立案幼稚園的學齡前兒童,以四到六歲兒童為主要研究對象。研究方法包括進行口腔檢查、身體發育檢查及幼兒飲食頻率之調查(飲食頻率問卷交由父母親填寫)。完成所有檢查且問卷填寫完整者共327人。 研究結果: 參與本研究的兒童共有327人,包含男童177人(54.1%)及女童150人(45.9%)。兒童的齲齒與性別無顯著相關,但隨著年齡增加,齲齒隨之增加。此外,母親的教育程度越高則兒童齲齒顯著較低。本研究發現調整性別、年齡後未治療齲齒與缺牙顆數多(大於四顆)者其平均身高(106.5公分)顯著低於無齲齒(108.4)或齲齒顆數較少者(108.3),P=0.0223。未治療齲齒與缺牙顆數多(大於四顆)者其平均體重(17.6公斤)顯著低於無齲齒(18.7)或齲齒顆數較少者(18.9),P=0.0200。此外,齲齒與缺牙顆數多者其身高與體重不足的比例分別為11.1%及12.7%顯著高於無齲齒者(2.3%、8.9%)或未治療齲齒顆數較少者(4.6%、6.9%)。含糖食物與飲料類與齲齒之相關性中發現每天食用三次以下的兒童平均齲齒指數為1.7顆,顯著的低於食用三次以上的兒童(3.9顆),P=0.0245。 結論與建議: 齲齒與缺牙確實與兒童的身體發育有顯著的相關性,齲齒與缺牙顆數多的兒童,平均身高與體重皆顯著低於無齲齒兒童。因此雖然乳齒會換成恆齒,仍要預防齲齒發生或儘早治療,不可放任不管。 要完全禁止兒童食用含糖食物與飲料幾乎是不可能的,但是父母親有責任限制其食用頻率並在食用後加強口腔清潔,以減少齲齒問題的發生。 關鍵字:學齡前兒童、齲齒、身體發育


Abstract Background: According to the investigation of the oral condition of the children from 6 to 18 years old by the Department of Health in 2000 indicated the average DMFT(12) was 3.31, and the prevalence of caries was 66.5%. Besides, the deft(6) was 5.29, and the prevalence of caries was 89.5%. We have not reached the goal made for the world by WHO. The preschool children are especially far away from it. The main reason of this condition lies in parents’ negligence about the oral condition of their children, because they think deciduous teeth will replace by permanent ones sooner or later; therefore, they don’t really pay attention to children’s oral hygiene and ignore the serious result which may be caused by child oral disease. Objective: Our study aimed at evaluating the relationship among oral condition, food intake and growth of the preschool children. Methods: Our study focused on preschool children aged from four to six years of the kindergarten in Tainan and Kaohsiung city. We examined the children’s oral condition, and growing condition and used a questionnaire of food intake to record the eating frequency of 37 kinds of foods. Results: Three hundred and twenty seven children participated in our study, including 177 boys (54.1%) and 150 girls (45.9%). There was no significant difference between boys and girls with regard to caries index. However, the number of their caries increased with their age. We also found that the children whose mothers with higher education level had fewer caries. Besides, the average height of the children with more than four decay (106.5cm) was significantly shorter than children with no decay (108.4cm) and children with less decay (108.3cm). The average weight of the children who had more than four decay (17.6kg) was significantly lighter than children had no decay (18.7kg) and children with less decay (18.9kg). The proportion of children who did not reach the ideal body height (11.1%) and weight (12.7%) percentile was significantly higher among those children with more than four decay. Moreover, the average deft index of those children who had sweet food and drinks fewer than three times per day was 1.7, which was significantly lower than those the average deft index of those children who did more than three times. Conclusion: Children who had more than four decay were significantly shorter and thinner compared to those children who had no or less decay. Besides, the proportion of children who did not reach the ideal body height and weight percentile was significantly higher among those children with more than four decay. We found that the relationship among oral condition, food intake and child growth through our study result. It is recommended that parents need to understand the importance of deciduous teeth. They should realize that the deciduous teeth are not temporary teeth and bad oral health may have great influence on children’s growth. Key words: preschool children, caries, body growth


oral condition growth preschool children


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