  • 學位論文


Investigation of the Related Factors for the Usage and Type of Areca/betel Quid in Taiwanese Population

指導教授 : 楊奕馨


中文摘要 背景: 嚼食檳榔在亞洲國家或台灣地區是很普遍性的行為,目前對於檳榔的研究,大部份為嚼食盛行率、人體健康的影響及認知等的探討。對於檳榔嚼塊的種類及使用的量、分佈如何?目前已有的研究較為有限。 研究目的: 本研究目的主要是探討台灣地區檳榔使用之種類現況及量、年限與分佈,並依人口學之變項與檳榔種類是否相關,最後則是探討檳榔使用種類與濫用行為是否相關。 研究方法: 本研究以九十年「台灣地區各縣市嚼食檳榔與抽菸盛行率調查」,收集問卷11723份,其中有使用檳榔者, 經性別、年齡層加權後有1308人。資料的收集以訪談人員至家戶訪談方式。 結果: 嚼食檳榔的人口中,男性佔最多94.57%,女性佔5.43%,其中年齡以18-34歲佔44.31%最多、婚姻狀態以已婚者佔75.16%最多、種族方面以漢民族佔92.63%最多。在種類及嚼食量的分析方面,使用種類的比例,荖葉+荖花檳榔佔10.93%、荖葉檳榔佔64.29%、荖花檳榔佔21.17%,硬荖藤檳榔佔0.38%、其他檳榔佔3.23%。結果發現平均嚼食顆數以單檳榔不含配料者27.30顆為最多,嚼食荖葉檳榔者平均26.91顆,其次嚼食檳榔年限方面,以硬荖藤檳榔19.58年最久。其他相關的因素如抽菸習慣,幾乎都是男性佔94.5%有抽菸習慣居多。本研究發現各地區嚼食檳榔種類有差異,在北區以荖花檳榔佔29.98%最多,在東區以荖葉檳榔佔84.06%最多,南區佔77.39%次之。若以使嚼食檳榔達濫用程度的比例以荖葉檳榔佔51.73%最多,荖花檳榔佔44.71%次之,整體而言均有40%以上達濫用程度。 結論: 本研究發現在南部與過去的研究比較嚼食荖葉檳榔的比例有大幅增加,不同區域嚼食檳榔的種類不同,各種類檳榔食者,以荖葉檳榔佔51.73%的濫用程度最高 關鍵字:嚼食檳榔、曾嚼食檳榔者、檳榔種類


Abstract Background: Chewing betel quid is a common habit in Asian countries and in Taiwan. Most previous studies of betel quid chewing have focused on the chewing rate or the health impact or acknowledging the effect on the human body’s health. But there is insufficient literature published on different kinds of chewing quid, the amount chewed or the frequency of usage among the general population. Study objective: The objective of this study was to discuss the usage, kinds of quid chewed, quantity and the number of years used in Taiwan. Methods: This study data was from the DOH project: “Taiwan Areca quid Prevalence Survey” in 2001. In this project, there were 11,723 persons finished person to person interview, and after weighted by sex/age groups, the number of areca/betel quid chewers was 1308. Results: Males accounted for the highest proportion of areca/betel quid users (94.57%) while females accounting for 5.43%. The majority of areca/betel quid users were in the 18 – 34 age group, which accounted for 44.31%, 75.16% of areca/betel quid chewers were married, and 92.63% were Han population. Considering kinds of quid and usage, there were 10.93% chewed both betel quid and lao-hwa quid, 64.29% chewed betel quid only, 21.17% chewed lao-hwa quid only, 0.38% chewed stem quid, and 3.23% chewed others. It was also found that the average numbers of quid per day were 27.30 pieces for people chewing areca nut only, the first, and 26.91 for betel quid users as the second. For the longest duration of chewing, the users of stem quid chewed average 19.58 years. In other related factors, chewing and smoking combined, the majority were men, and 94.5% had the smoking habit. This study also discovered various areas have different preference rates for different kinds of areca/betel quid. In northern areas, 29.98% preferred lao-hwa quid. In the east area, betel quid was most popular (84.06%). In the south area, 77.39% areca/betel quid users chewed betel quid. The betel quid users had the highest prevalence rate of abuse (51.73%), and 44.71% for lao-hwa quid. The overall abuse rate was 40%. Conclusion: Compared with previous studies, this study discovered that the use of betel quid has increased in south Taiwan. The kinds of areca/betel quid chewed varied between different areas. For all kinds of areca/betel quid chewed, the betel quid had the highest abuse rate (51.73%). Key word: Chewing areca/betel quid, Used to Chewing areca/betel quid, the type of areca/betel quid




