  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 陳正宗


警察身為人民褓母,因工作性質的特殊,他們常處於高心理壓力、高暴力、高危險死亡率的工作情境中,係屬於高壓力的職業。本研究欲探討高雄市員警工作壓力及因應策略與健康的關係。以高雄市警察局3864名員警為研究母體,依其工作職別分層抽樣,透過問卷調查,共抽得高雄地區二線一星以下的基層員警共700名施測。回收樣本681名(回收率97.3﹪),有效樣本660名(有效率96.9﹪),以SPSS For Windows 10.0版進行資料分析。研究結果顯示:(1)基層員警的工作困擾源主要來自於「家庭生活與休閒壓力」,「工作時間與負荷壓力」、「角色壓力」相關的因素上。男性、警專畢業、外勤者整體壓力較大;一線四星以下者有較大的「工作時間與負荷壓力」;從警前有其他職業者有較大的「家庭生活與休閒壓力」、「角色壓力」;與配偶同住者有較大的「家庭生活與休閒壓力」。未婚、經常參與宗教活動者有較大的「組織結構與氣氛壓力」。(2)有近七成採用「正向-問題取向的因應策略」;四成採用「負向-暫時逃避的因應策略」;三成藉助喝酒、抽煙的方式使自己好過;服藥行為者有一成。女性、警大畢業、外勤、從警前有其他職業、與父母不同住、與配偶分居兩處者採取較多的「正向的因應策略」;而未婚者採取較多的「負向的因應策略」。(3)身心健康狀況不佳者高達46.1﹪;四成以上有睡眠問題,三成為頭痛或胸悶、焦慮不安,對未來感到沒有希望的有二成五,對自己失去信心者亦有二成的員警。警專畢、年資16-20年、在從警前有其他職業、居住在外縣市、偶爾參與宗教活動之基層員警有較不佳的身心健康狀況。(4)工作壓力與因應策略呈正相關;「組織結構與氣氛壓力」與「負向因應策略」呈正相關。(5)工作壓力與身心健康狀況皆正相關。因應策略與身心健康狀況呈正相關。(6)「家庭生活與休閒壓力」、「工作時間與負荷壓力」、與「負向因應策略」三變項可預測員警的身心健康狀況;「家庭生活與休閒壓力」是預測員警身心健康狀況最重要因素。 本研究證實員警的工作壓力確實對個人的身心狀況帶來相當程度的影響,且呈現出高雄市基層員警身心健康狀況不佳比例偏高之研究結果。針對高雄市基層員警身心健康狀況有以下的建議:(1)全面推廣壓力調適技能。(2)建立身心體檢制度。(3)成立身心障礙防治專責單位。(4)建立終身照護模式。


The duty of the police is to enforce the laws and maintain social orders.They are always under a great stress of high risk of violence and mortality.Their lives are always full of danger and their work is a riskful occupation,that is particular to a police officer. This research is to investigate the relationship among the police job stress, their coping strategies,and their health of the police force in Kaohsiung City. Questionnaires are distributed to a stratified sampling group comprised of 700 police inspectors or in the police forces(3,864 totally in the city).Six hundred and eighty one questionnaires return from different subunits,including six hundred and sixty are valid questionnaires(97.3﹪).The data is analyzed with SPSS Window 10.0 edition. The conclusions are as followings: (1) Job-related stressors of police officers at primary units originate from family life and leisure activities,working hours and workload,and role pressure. (2) About 70﹪of police officers use positive problem- oriented coping strategies;40﹪of them use negative temporary evasion coping strategies;30﹪of them by smoking and alcohol consumption to relieve their tension. (3) 46.1﹪ police officers at the primary units present various unhealthy condition;40﹪of them complain about sleep disturbance;30﹪ of them experience headache, chest-tightness,or anxiety;25﹪of them feel hopeless in the future,and one fifth of them lose their confidence in their police careers. (4) There is positive correlation between work pressure and coping strategies,as well as between the organizational structure,atmosphere tension and negative coping strategies. (5) The study reveals positive correlation between work pressure and physical health condition;as well as between the coping strategies and physical health condition. (6) There are 3 variables available to predict police officers’health condition:family life and leisure activities,working hours and workload,and negative coping strategies.In these three factors,family life and leisure activities contribute the most weight of prediction. The results of this research state that job stress of police officers in primary unit do influence their health condition, and an increasing proportion of the police with unhealthy condition is observed.Based on the finding in this research,four advices should be considered to strengthen their mental health,which include: (1) To teach the police officers comprehensive stress coping skills. (2) To introduce a system of mental health survey for all police officers. (3) To establish an independent unit for preventing & treating health & mental health problems. (4) To set up lifelong care system.


job stress coping strategy health


王桂珍 (民80) 慢性型肝炎患者的因應行為與家庭支持對其身心健康的影響。國立台灣大學心理學研究所碩士論文。
江慶興(民88)調整勤務運作維護員警身心健康-徹底調整警察勤務運作方式才是防止警察人員自殺標本防治之道。警光雜誌, 512。


龔士傑(2010)。工作壓力所衍生的疲勞倦怠對健康影響的研究 -以南部業務員為例-〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2010.00136
