  • 學位論文


The concept and behaviors of domestic college students eating health foods.

指導教授 : 陳九五


本研究訪談十四名大學生來瞭解其對健康食品的概念以及使用健康食品的行為,研究目的為: 1. 瞭解國內大學生使用健康食品的經驗; 2. 瞭解國內大學生對健康食品的概念; 3. 瞭解國內大學生使用健康食品的行為; 4. 瞭解國內大學生使用健康食品其延伸之健康行為與概念。 研究結論分為以下幾點; 一、 大學生使用健康食品的經驗 食用健康食品的獨特經驗幾乎是被動食用的,且鮮少大學生食用所認為之健康食品是法定所通過之健康食品,而健康食品的來源以父母提供及親友餽贈居多。 二、 大學生對健康食品的概念 將健康食品視為替代醫療的範疇以及需要長期食用才是食用健康食品較好的方式。部分大學生會把健康食品當藥吃,通常身體狀況出現警訊,或是身體已經出現某地方不舒服了,才會去食用健康食品。 大學生對食用健康食品者有一致的印象,認為為老人、小孩、病人及婦人等是主要食用人口群,對健康食品呈現較偏向負面的印象。 三、 大學生使用健康食品的行為 大學生鮮少與同學談論此話題,因此對於分享的對象仍以家人為主。 大學生健康食品資訊來源以網路為主,其他獲得資訊的來源還有電視、直銷、電台等,對於媒體所報導的健康食品相關資訊,多為負面的印象,大多認為誇大不實需多,進而影響受訪者去使用健康食品。另外學校教育也讓大學生有許多對於健康食品的基礎知識。 整體而言,大學生食用健康食品行動阻礙因素頗多,缺乏自覺行動利益,不認為食用健康食品對自身有幫助,加上從媒體獲得之資訊多屬於負面,內在因素又自覺身體健康,不會感覺到受威脅。因此使用健康食品的行為多屬於消極且被動的。 四、 大學生使用健康食品其延伸之健康行為與概念 大學生採取比較消極的健康概念,多以避免不當的飲食或生活習慣來維持健康。大學生健康的普遍困擾除了一些個別化的問題之外,多數人會有因熬夜所引起的疲累居多。一般而言,大學生認為較佳的促進健康為規律的運動、均衡的飲食及正常的作息。 由於大學生對自己身體狀況的不瞭解和不在乎,因此沒有感覺到健康食品的需求。


健康行為 健康食品


Abstract The research interviewed fourteen college students to know their concept of health foods and their behaviors of eating them. The purposes of the research are: 1. Know about the experience of domestic college students eating health foods. 2. Know about the knowledge of domestic college students of health foods. 3. Know the behaviors of domestic college students eating health foods. 4. Know the related behaviors and knowledge of domestic college students on health foods. The following are the conclusions of the research: A. Experience of domestic college students eating health foods: Few of the subjects voluntarily ate health foods. Besides, few of them took eligible ones. Most of them just ate what their parents or relatives gave them. B. Concept of domestic college students on health foods: Long-term ingestion is the better way of eating health foods. However, some subjects consider them substitutes for medical treatments. In other words, they eat health foods only when there’s caution about their healthy condition or they feel certain part of their body is wrong. Besides, the subjects agree on the negative impression: Elders, children, patients, and women are the main consumers for health foods. C. Behaviors of domestic college students of health foods: The subjects seldom discuss this topic with their classmates. Generally speaking, they still share this with their family. The Internet is the main source for the subjects to know more about health foods. Besides the Internet, they also get information through television, direct sale, and radio. As for the related information reported by the media, most of them believe that is exaggerated and therefore have a bad impression. Besides, they obtain basic understanding through school education. Generally speaking, there are three obstructive factors for college students to consume health foods. First, they don’t think it’s healthy for them to eat health foods. Second, they receive negative information from the media. Third, they believe they are healthy enough to escape from threats. Therefore, their behaviors of eating health foods usually appear passively. D. Related behaviors and concept of domestic college students on health foods: The subjects take a passive attitude toward health. They usually keep in good condition by avoiding improper eating habits or living ways. Except some personal healthy problems, most subjects suffer from tiredness caused by staying up. On the whole, the subjects believe the better ways to keep fit are regular exercise, balanced diet, and to keep early hours. In conclusion, the subjects don’t realize nor care about their healthy condition, which is the reason why they neglect the need of health foods.


health behaviors health foods


李河水(民93)健康食品需檢驗、養生食品宜有新法規範。IT IS產業評析。


楊智雅(2005)。就診民眾對保健食品的食用風險認知與 傳播影響 就診民眾對保健食品的食用風險認知與傳播影響 就診民眾對保健食品的食用風險認知與傳播影響〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0007-1704200714562404
