  • 學位論文


Related Factors of Smoking in the In-Patients with Schizophrenia

指導教授 : 王興耀


研究目的:近年來許多研究發現精神分裂症患者的吸菸率偏高,本研究探討台灣南部精神分裂症住院病患之吸菸率,吸菸行為與人口學變項、疾病特徵、憂鬱症狀、活性負性症狀和抗精神病藥物治療之關係。 研究對象:南部兩家精神專科醫院急、慢性病房的精神分裂症(依據DSM-IV診斷)住院病患,排除智能不足、嚴重腦傷、癲癇、中風、酒癮、物質使用、重大身體疾病如紅斑性狼瘡、癌症等。年齡為18~ 60足歲。 研究方法:施測前取得患者知情同意書,進行問卷調查、精神症狀評量及抗精神病藥物登錄。吸菸經驗問卷包括是否曾吸菸、是否曾每日吸菸、是否曾戒菸、目前吸菸情形和吸菸量等。使用尼古丁成癮程度量表(FTQ)、貝克憂鬱量表(BDI-II)、活性及負性症狀量表(PANSS),並由病房醫護人員紀錄患者在病房參與活動情形及吸菸狀況。資料統計方法有描述性統計,卡方檢定、t檢定、單因子及二因子變異數分析、對數迴歸分析。 研究結果:精神分裂症男性住院病患目前吸菸的比率為65.32%,女性住院病患為8.33%。在個人基本屬性方面;男性吸菸率顯著高於女性,社經地位低者(第V級)吸菸率較高,婚姻狀態亦對吸菸率有顯著影響。在疾病因素方面;吸菸者發病年齡之平均值顯著比非吸菸者小。總住院時間愈長,目前的吸菸率有顯著增加的趨勢。男性病患的吸菸者,其活性症狀平均分數顯著較非吸菸者高,負性症狀平均分數則顯著較較非吸菸者低。其他人口學變項、疾病亞型、憂鬱程度、典型或非典型藥物治療、口服或長效針劑給藥方式、Chlorpromazine(CPZ)等效劑量均沒有顯著性差異。精神分裂症住院病患目前有無吸菸以對數迴歸分析發現;在調整過年齡因素以後,男性吸菸的勝算比為82.96(相較於女性),分居、離婚和喪偶勝算比為9.21(相對於未婚),總住院時間五年以上勝算比為3.37(相對於總住院時間不到一年)。 結論:共有220位病患完成施測。精神分裂症男性住院病患吸菸率高於民國88年全國男性一般人口(47.29%),女性住院病患吸菸率亦高於全國女性一般人口(5.23%)。精神分裂症住院病患的高吸菸率與個人基本屬性如性別、婚姻狀態、社經地位和長期住院有關。吸菸者之平均發病年齡較早,可能受到男性病患較早發病之影響。吸菸與否無法證明和疾病亞型、憂鬱程度、藥物治療有關。男性病患吸菸者呈現高活性症狀分數與負性症狀分數,顯示吸菸與否反映其本身的疾病症狀。 研究限制:病房有限制吸菸時間與菸的枝數,且各病房限制不完全相同。不易取得病患同意書,訪談精神分裂症患者的困難度高。近一步的研究應考慮包括同住者吸菸情形、環境因素及藥物副作用,將來的應用為醫護人員及家屬在醫療、照顧或施行戒菸措施時,不宜忽略吸菸與個人基本屬性、精神疾病因素、藥物治療的相互影響,以嘉惠弱勢病患。 關鍵字:吸菸、尼古丁成癮、精神分裂症、精神分裂症亞型、住院、活性症狀、負性症狀、憂鬱、藥物治療。


Background The high prevalence of smoking in schizophrenic patients has been intensively studied in the last decade. This study investigated the prevalence of smoking and its association with the demographic characteristics, clinical characteristics, antipsychotic medications and schizophrenia subtype diagnosis of inpatients with schizophrenia . Method schizophrenic inpatients (diagnosed by DSM-IV criteria) at two of the large psychiatric hospitals in southern Taiwan were recruited. Individuls were 18 years of age or older and excluded if they were over 60 years of age, having a history of brain injury, mental retardation, cerebrovascular accident, epilepsy, SLE, cancer, alcoholism and substance abuse. Patients were assessed with Fagerstrom Tolerance questionnaire(FTQ), Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale Manual(PANSS) and the Beck Depression Inventory-II(BDI-II). Antipsychotic medications were transformed to chlorpromazine equivalents. Results Two hundreds and twenty schizophrenic inpatients were included in this study. The prevalence of smoking among male schizophrenic inpatients was higher than general population(65.32% vs. 47.29%); and so was female schizophrenic inpatients (8.33% vs. 5.23%). Males exhibited a higher prevalence of smoking than females(p< .0001). Smoking was significantly associated with age at onset(AAO), marital status, socioeconomic status and the duration of admission. Males smoker had a higher Positive symptoms and lower negative syptoms . After controlling for age in the logistic regression, the corrected odds ratios were 82.96 for male gender (vs. female), 9.21 for separation, divorce, widower or widow (vs. married), and 3.37 for over five years of hospital duration(vs. within one years ). Conclusion The higher prevalence may be linked to sex, marital status, socioeconomic status and the duration of admission. No significant differentes were found on BDI-II scores, atypical or convention antipsychotic medications and schizophrenia subtype diagnosis. Males who smoked had a higher Positive symptoms and lower negative symptoms. It is suggested that schizophrenia may smoke in response to symptoms of their illness . Keywords: Schizophrenia, Inpatient, Tobacco, Nicotine, Smoking, Depression, Positive symptoms, Negative symptoms, Chlorpromazine equivalents, antipsychotics.


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