  • 學位論文


Exploring the relationship between job characteristics, job satisfaction, and employee’s retention of social workers in disability institute: a case study of disability institute with residential or day care services

指導教授 : 鄭夙芬


對於社工在身心障礙福利機構的工作樣貌過往研究發現,新進及資淺的工作者比例居高不下,其工作內容繁雜且服務期程長。而穩定的人力是社會工作專業關係、服務品質與專業累積的基礎。但對於身心障礙領域內留任的探討,目前是缺乏的。 本研究目的在於探討身心障礙福利機構社會工作人員的工作特性、工作滿足、留任意願與其相關影響因素。本研究採量化調查研究法,透過問卷對全國252間「住宿機構」及「日間服務機構」進行調查,研究對象為在上述機構中任職的社會工作人員,每家機構各1位。共發出252份問卷,回收206份有效問卷,回收率81.7%。 本研究主要結果包括:1.身心障礙福利機構社會工作人員及機構的樣態;2. 身心障礙福利機構社會工作人員的性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、有無主管職、有無兼任、社工年資、身障領域年資、現職年資、專職社工人數、機構類型與工作特性有顯著差異;3.身心障礙福利機構社會工作人員的婚姻狀況、薪資、專職社工人數、有無主管職和工作滿足有顯著性差異;4.身心障礙福利機構社會工作人員的教育程度、婚姻狀況、薪資、社工年資、專職社工人數和留任意願有顯著性差異;5.工作特性、工作滿足、留任意願三者皆呈現正相關,且達統計上的顯著。最後,研究者根據上述研究結果,提出針對政策、組織、研究工具等方面的建議,作為未來在工作規劃及穩定人力資源的參考。


According to the disability institute references, the majority of social worker in the disability institute were senior or fresh employees. However, the labor stability is the foundation of social work professional relationship, service quality, and profession itself. It needs more research to complete this research gap. The purpose of this current research was exploring the relationship between job characteristics, job satisfaction, and employee’s retention of social workers in disability institute, and its influential factors. This current research adopted a quantitative design with surveyed 252 disability institute with residential or day care services in Taiwan by purposeful sampling. As the result, there were 206 valid questionnaires and the response rate was 81.7%. This current research found: 1.the current picture of social workers in the disability institutes; 2.the different gender, age, marriage statue, education level, manager position, more than one job, seniority of social worker, and the total numbers of full-time social worker in the institute had a statistically significant difference with social workers’ job characteristics; 3. the different marriage statue, salary, manager position, and the total numbers of full-time social worker in institute, had a statistically significant difference with social workers’ job satisfaction; 4. the different marriage statue, education level, salary, seniority of social worker, and the total numbers of full-time social worker in the institute had a statistically significant difference with social workers’ retention; 5. job characteristic, job satisfaction, employee’s retention had positive correlation. According the research findings, some suggestions were provided for the social welfare policy, welfare institutes, and other researches in order to construct a better working environment and labor stability in the future.


