  • 學位論文


Effect of acupuncture at Baihui(GV20) on forced swimming test- induced depression mouse model

指導教授 : 劉心萍
共同指導教授 : 謝慶良(Ching-Liang Hsieh)


憂鬱症已成為當今的社會問題,世界衛生生組織公告針灸也是治療憂鬱症的項目之一。因此,本研究的目的是探討針刺對憂鬱症的療效,我們利用強迫游泳試驗─誘發憂鬱症小鼠模型,觀察針刺百會穴對憂鬱症的療效。將總共18隻合乎憂鬱症小鼠隨機分為:控制組,沒有接受針刺治療;捻針組,於小鼠相當人類百會穴捻針,每次600次,一週3次,連續2週共針刺治療6次;假針刺組,方法同捻針組,但只將針灸的針插入百會穴不捻針。療效的指標是根據強迫游泳試驗的不動時間和海馬區域的腦源性神經營養因子(Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF)的染色陽性細胞數目。結果顯示針刺治療2週(針刺6次)後,捻針組的不動時間減少大於控制組(p=0.011),以及海馬迴CA3區域的BDNF染色陽性細胞數捻針組多於控制組(p=0.044)。 根據以上結果推論針刺百會穴(GV20)可以治療憂鬱症。


Depression is an important issue in modern society, World Health Organization (WHO) consider that acupuncture is also a therapurtic method to the treatment of depression. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investgate the effect of acupuncture on depression. We established a depreesion animal model by using forced swimming test to observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture treating depression. A total of 18 ICR male mice that were match the criteria of depression were studied, the mice were randomly divided into 6 mice/three groups as follows: control group (CG) without acupuncture treatment; manual acupuncture group (MAG), acupuncture applied at Baihui (GV20), manual acupuncture 600 times/each treatment, three times/week for two weeks; and sham acupuncture group (SAG) , the method was identical to manual acupuncture group, but did not manual acupuncture treatment. The therapeutic effect was accoding to immobility time of forced swimming test and the counts of a Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampal region. The results indicated that reducing immobility time was greater in the MAG than in the CG after two weeks acupuncture treatment (p =0.011), and the counts of BDNF stain positive cells in the CA3 region of hippocampus were also greater in the MAG than in the CG (p =0.044). Therefore, acupuncture at Baihui may treat depression.


forced simming test depression acupuncture Baihui


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