  • 學位論文


Pixy Image ¬- Interpretation of Chung-Yi jung Artworks

指導教授 : 張正仁


在《精靈圖像-鍾宜君的作品詮釋》中探索自我投射的狀態與作品的寄託關係,自我投射角色的生成,解析生長背景到後天養成的心理狀態。如何從情緒中建構自我形象和符號,關注其角色本身對自我的意義與生活中心理角色扮演的顯現。 透過反覆描繪角色符號達到創傷的療癒,而在達到療癒狀態之後,在創作實踐的同時,也是一種對自己情緒的紀錄。心理狀態與作品角色共同經歷成長的轉變,從原本的少女時期的憂鬱與徬徨,到退去對社會的隱匿和疏離,轉化為貼近某種生活趣味的過程。


The thesis “ Pixy Image-Interpretation of Chung-Yi jung(鍾宜君) Artworks.”, is a discovery journey of how the specific character and visual contexts as self-reflection of one’s psychological status and inner thought. With close self-analyze on the growing background and life experience, I find out that this pixy character act as an visualized icon of my deep inner feeling and has became another way of knowing myself. Therefore, those works or characters, provide me with valuable feedback and special meanings towards my real life. By the repetition of creating those characters, my inner suffering has been fixed and cured. At the same time, all artworks have become a record of one’s feeling and emotion about her life. Through the period of teenage blue, from used to hiding myself and feeling isolated from the outside world, till open up one’s mind and be able to “live in” everyday life, I start to learn the sense of humor with different point of view. Those characters are royal accompany and they all keep grow with me.


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3. 草間彌生×圓點執念:寫給時代的話 作者: 草間彌生 原文作者:Yayoi Kusama出版社:流行風 2014-05-08
4. 無限的網:草間彌生自傳 作者:草間彌生 出版社:木馬文化2011-04
5. 怪裡怪氣怪可愛 作者:林珮熒 出版社:遠流出版公司 2006-10-01
