  • 學位論文


A Narrative Research Of The Arts Learning Process Of OutstanDAng DAsabled People - Using A Mouth And Foot Painting Artist As An Example

指導教授 : 林劭仁


本研究的主要目的旨在以故事敘說的形式,呈現一位傑出身心障礙者在藝術學習歷程,以一位口足畫家為對象,及其重要他人展開探索,藉由觀察、訪談和蒐集相關文件資料等方式,探究其藝術學習歷程。 研究過程主要以半結構訪談及觀察藝術學習歷程的方式蒐集資料,以瞭解一位口足畫家的藝術學習歷程、藝術學習歷程對生命經驗的影響、藝術學習歷程所需的教育服務與支援及從旁人眼中觀察口足畫家的藝術學習歷程演變。經資料的整理和解釋,客觀的呈現口足畫家的故事,再歸納出以下結果: 一、口足畫家意外發生後,開始展開其藝術學習歷程,包含書法、水墨、工筆、佛像畫及油畫。 二、生命經驗在藝術學習歷程後產生正向改變。 三、教育需求視個別需求、提供輔具、彈性調整以及協助其發展卓越。 四、從藝術學習歷程後,口足畫家找到生命的方向。 最後根據研究歷程與結果,提出本研究之建議,以供身心障礙者、社會大眾及相關實務工作人員作為參考。


A Narrative Research Of The Arts Learning Process Of OutstanDAng DAsabled People - Using A Mouth And Foot Painting Artist As An Example Abstract This research applies the narratives style to present the arts learning process of an outstanDAng DAsable artist creating art with his mouth and foot. By means of observations, interviews, and documents analysis, the research aims to investigate and understand the art learning process. This research utilizes semi-structured interviews and observations of the arts learning process to understand the mouth and foot painting artist’s arts learning process and the influence on life experiences. The research interpret other people’s viewpoint on the evolution of the mouth and foot painting artist’s arts learning process, and also the educational services and support which is needed to the arts learning process. Through data analysis,it objectively presents the mouth and foot painting artist’s story and concludes the following results: 1. After the accident, the mouth and foot painting artist has began his arts learning process that incluDAng calligraphy, ink painting, meticulous, Buddhist painting and painting. 2. The mouth and foot painting artist’s life experience undergo a positive change after his art learning. 3. DepenDAng on inDAvidual needs, the coadjutant provides assistive devices, flexibly adjusted teaching methods and contents, to assist their development of excellence. 4. After the arts learning process, mouth and foot painting artist finds life DArection. Based on the process and results, the research puts forward suggestion and reflects to DAsabled people, the public and practiced teachers for future research.


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