  • 學位論文


The Memory of Body and the Flow of Desire

指導教授 : 陶亞倫


對於時代速度的衝擊,常會使筆者感到自己存在的真實性,因而產生緊張與焦慮情緒;而置身在慾望流動的社會裡,不免迷失自我,在慾望之流裡載浮載沉,身體主體不斷被肢解分割,而意識也隨著一同分散流入這物質世界,這些綜合的意識形成一股巨大的慾望流體,同時混合著你我不同的慾念。於是想去探究與理解,身體在流動的慾望之下所面臨的種種變化。 內在的慾望就像是一股無限蔓延的原始能量,深植在我們內心。本論文的動畫作品〈方塊公寓〉與〈流竄意識〉兩件創作主要來討論在慾望的流動下,身體所產生的感覺感知,造成身體的流變,筆者企圖打破身體這個框架,它不斷與外界產生連結,向外擴展延伸;同時將身體化為一個慾望空間,並且在這空間裡連結了所有人的意識,形成一個集體意識構成的慾望身體。


The impact of the era speed makes the author suspect the self-existent reality, incurring nervous and anxious emotions. It is inevitable to lost oneself when staying in the society of desire. Drifting with the tide of desire up and down, the body is torn up, and the consciousness is flowing into the physical world. The combination of the consciousness forms a huge fluid of desire, mixed with different desires of mine and yours. As a result, the author would like to investigate and to understand the variation of the body when confronting the flow of desire. The internal desire is like an unlimited-spread primitive energy, deeply rooted in our heart. In this thesis, the author proposed two animations 〈Cube Apartment〉 and 〈Flowing Conscious〉 which mainly discuss the rheo-variation caused by the feeling and consciousness under the desire flow. The author would like to break the frame of body, constantly connecting the spirit to the outside world, extending the inner feeling outward. Meanwhile, the author transforms the bodies into a space of desire, and connects the consciousness of all individuals with in the space, forming a desire body consisted of collective consciousness.


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